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Outside the Box of Lemonade

With this life come lemons... Throughout time lemons have been given a bad name. A lemon can be associated with a car that came from the...

The High Horse We Ride

Proverbs 6:16-19 "These six things doth the Lord hate; yea, seven are an abomination unto him." a proud look a lying tongue hands that...

Outcast Ornaments

Strings of bright lights go around and around, glowing in colors or glistening in white Tinsels sparkle like icicles on each and every...

It's Not Those Religious Slippers

After waiting for a few minutes, Mr. Scarecrow knocks on the door a little loud. After a few more minutes, Lady of the Tin pounds on the...

Dinner with An Ol' Weary Spirit

'This is is a long, lonely and mundane road.' Christa mumbles as her shoulders fall. She gazes into the distance daydreaming. A little...

Afternoon Tea with Lady of the Tin

Christa and Mr. Scarecrow continue down the religious road, arm in arm. For several miles they enjoy the warmth of the sunshine on their...

Brunch With Mr. Scarecrow

With her brainstorm hanging over her, she continues to follow the narrow religion road, stopping to read her map (the Bible) to ensure...

The Psych-clone

There is something in the air. Clouds creeps in, building in size with every pasting second, growing darker as they pass by. The trees...

Jericho's Kryptonite

The fall of Jericho was a domino effect that took decades to design. The First domino, was the Pharaoh's order to kill all the Israelite...

Jill 'O' Lantern

Tis the season for pumpkin patches. Many people are a quest for the perfect pumpkin to take it home and decorate. For most, that perfect...

Living in a Zombie World

Mombie? I have been there and still do that. As a mother of four, I know what it is like to be sleep deprived and feel brainlessness....

Anger Stew

Through my experiences in life and observing others, I have learned many lessons. One brutal truth that I stand by is... if the devil...

Dare to Be Deciduous

A tale as old as time itself-change. That change may be daily like day to night or gradually like the development of a person from infant...

Even Sunflowers Struggle

Every seed begins it journey of life in dirt. People are no different. Everyone is in flesh. It is our shell, our seed. We are in the...

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