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Brunch With Mr. Scarecrow

With her brainstorm hanging over her, she continues to follow the narrow religion road, stopping to read her map (the Bible) to ensure she was staying on the right path. The farther down the road she gets, the stronger the storm gets in her head gets. She tries to fight it by opening up the map, but everything word was too blurry to read.

A hunger enters her, it seeks her stomach and attacks. Her stomach begins to growl and groan. She stop along the path and eats. Yet, the hunger continues and her stomach protests louder and louder. She attempts to ignores its sounds. However, the hunger enters her blood and it begin to boil causing her heart to burn. Her burning heart ignites her head setting on fire. Eventually, her hungry was so overwhelming she wondered off the path. An aroma greets her nose and she inhales its sweet sense that puts the fire in her head and pulls her farther off the path. The sounds of music calls to her ears and its vibrations flood her heart with cool waves that enter her blood simmering it down. Yet, her eyes direct her toward flashing lights and sounds of laughter.

Soon surrounded by vendors pouncing at her like flying monkeys who charm her into playing heir games promising a prize, if she wins. She puts down her basket and plays their games. Yet, each game leaves her hands empty and her rumbling stomach redirects her to the food trucks where she consumes cotton candy stools and candy apples until she feels pain in her stomach like sharp knife ripping her apart. The pain shoots through her blood into her heart and up to her head. Alone, in the crowd of apathic people, she crumbles to the ground Her eyes bounces around searching for help but her cries seem muted by the noise. Then, she sees a hand lower her basket on the ground next to her, 'I believe this is yours.'

Before, she could say anything the man disappears. She takes the map out of the basket, opened it up, and begin to read. She closes it quickly realizing she is lost once again. She grabs the basket and begin running trying to find a way to escape the pull of the carnival.

Exhausted she stops to catch her breath only to realize she is trapped in the darkness of a corn maze with shadows circling above her She reaches for the map again and open,; it only to burst in tears at the fuzzy words concealed by the darkness, She closes her eyes for a time until she gather enough strength to mumbles " I am sorry. help me, please."

The sun peeks onto the horizon and reveal a shadow of a man-like figure hanging on a post with his arm's open wide. The figure seems familiar to her heart; yet, the sun soon erases the shadow from her view as a man in a straw hat emerges from a row of corn.

"Are you hurt, ma'am?" offering her a hand up.

Christa rises onto her sore feet and dust her dress off. With cold cheeks turns pink, 'I got lost in the dark and fell."

'Are you hungry? I was about to have bunch. Fresh eggs from the chicken, homemade bread , and fresh milk from the cows.'

'If you don't mind. I am starving and that sounds delicious.'

'I would love the company. It gets lonely around here working my life away.'

'What is your name?'

'You can call me, Mr. Scare Crow.'

After the two have lunch, they talk.'

'My teachers said I got the short end of the straw. My moms says more seeds were sowed into my heart than my head. Sometimes, I wish I had more seeds sown into my brains that way I was smart enough to get out of this hard-laboring farm life. My friends say I am a work acholic. But... I am a doer. It's all I know and I put my heart into it ever single job I do. I try to help everyone I can, even though, many people take advance of me,' Mr. Scare Crow grabs a Bible from a hay bale and show it to her, 'I am just glad I do not have to hang on that post anymore like my pops and grandpa did. This map shows me the one who took my place. I...I...would love to have a brain and not have to work with all m.y blood, sweat and tears'

'I have a map as well.' The woman says grabbing her from her basket. ' Do you know the way back to the religious road. A nice woman said it would lead me to find the one who help me interrupt this map and find the way to clear my head.'

With his arms wide open, 'There is a brick road on the other side of the corn maze. I could show you. I know these fields quite well.'

The woman lends in and hugs him ,'that would be most appreciated,

He welcomes her embrace,' you think that the one took help me with my brain problems as well? I mean I would love to join you on this religious road, that is, if you do not mind'

'It would hurt to ask the key holder if he can help you and I would love the company. Maybe you could help me on the path. So, I do not wonder off again.'

The two discover the religious road and begin to travel on it together.

It is easy to get lost in worldly desires. Even if, it is a small hunger. After all, we haven't been separated from our flesh... yet. We try our best to stay on that narrow and straight path, but there are times that emotions allure us off the path and into a world of endless temptation. This tempting world appeals our every senses; yet, it can take anything and everything while giving only pain and shame in return.

But God

God has a way of showing up in the middle of it all. Usually, he provides an opportunity to return to his words and seek forgiveness. However, it is only nature that when we realize our wrong-doing to run from the situation instead of running to God. These actions often lead us into darkness. When we realize that we are lost, the Bible's messages are too fuzzy to understand.

But God is always with his children regardless, if they realize it or not. So, a confession even as small as "I'm sorry " reaches him and he acts we ask for help. Often, that aide comes in a form that we never expected, so we can easily miss it. Like a reflection of a cross conforming that he has forgiven our sins. We may be so exhausted from the consequences of our actions that we do not recognize amazing grace when we see it.

But God has a way of connection us with people who are a gift of his love. Friendships can be a great source for spiritual nutrition They can also be a good resource for accountability. So, often it is not just for us. It can be for other person struggling to overcome their old habits, find their purpose, and where they belong.

Mr. scarecrow is a great symbol of LOVE. It's shadow resembles that of Jesus on the cross. The greatest, most selfless act of God's agape love there ever was and will ever be. Like a scarecrow, some may only have straw for brains, Their gift is in their acts of kindness instead of gift of worldly intelligence. Mr. Scarecrow is a doer. Like me, he can be lost in acts of service and have a difficult slowing down to enjoy the fruits of his labor. (Martha syndrome) He is aware that Jesus died on the cross and paid for his sins, but he just worries that it is not enough and he must work continually or he show his value. He also has a hard time not trying to earn people acceptance through tasks. So, he too requires the gift of love from those around him.

This world places a higher value on intelligence than it does kindness. People place their future in the hands of science and technologies they can prove existence, but God doesn't want just to rely solely on what is seen, He wants us to use our heart to feel his love in what remains unseen until Jesus returns. Jesus, God's son, is the greatest scarecrow of all times. With open arms, he gave sacrificed it all. He is the one who guards God's seeds until His fields are ready for harvesting.

This season of Thanksgiving, I will bring the scarecrow to my table of gratitude.

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