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The Psych-clone

There is something in the air. Clouds creeps in, building in size with every pasting second, growing darker as they pass by. The trees sharp movements says is not right. The horses in the field are more restless than usual. They keep running in circles, The thunder from their feet echoes through the atmosphere while the ground shakes below. A gust strikes the skin with an electric energy strong enough to raise the hairs covering. The environment 's instability screams into the gut., 'A storm is coming!' Its sirens trigger the body to seek shelter.

Christa takes shelter inside the cellar. A calm silence allows her to catch her breath, but only for a few minutes before her ears pick up the wind's howling. It increasing in her direction and roars above her. The sounds waves of crackling, popping, and sapping penetrate her sore ears. The waves enter her head alerting Christa to the attack her haven is falling under.

Demons' shenanigans boast fears into her left ear as angels' flutters whisper reassurances into her right ear telling her that it will be alright. The demons' shenanigan continue their attack with bursts of cold insults as the angels' flutters hum a love song. The demons' shenanigans revive chills gusts of shame as the angels' flutters restore memories of triumph.

Christa covers her ears and bows her head; however, it is too late. The pressure is too much. The warm waves of angels' flutters collide with the chilly gust of demons' shenanigans. A gloomy futurecast rains down and soon her thoughts are flooded with what ifs. Pellets of hail fall and conceal her loving memories. There is no use denying it any longer. Christa's senses inform her that she is in the middle of a powerful brain storm.

Her positive energy collapses like a roof caving to strong winds of a storm. Negative energy bruise her head like debris hitting her body. Guilt strikes in the front of Christa's head. Anger thunders in the back. Her logical thinking is gone like a house stripped from it stable foundation. Her ability concentration is up in the air like tornado spinning a house out of control.

The storm in her environment dissolved and Christa's world comes crashing to the ground.

Sun beams shines into the cellar and her eyes open. She rises to her feet with the heavy storm still whirling in her head.

Christa steps onto an unfamiliar scene, gasps, turn around to see the destruction behind her. She sighs, realizing she is lost. Sweet singing filled the air and greeted her sore ears. She wondered towards the sounds. Soon, her eyes locate the group of people singing of victory over the wicked one. Christa stops to clap for their performance. A beautiful woman in wrinkle-free clothes and a glammed up face invites her seat. The beautiful woman listens as Christa tells her about her experiences and how Christa just wants to find her way back...home. The beautiful woman smiles, hands her a pair of shiny slippers and a thick book to serve as a map and sends her on a narrow path to find Dr. Fix-it of All. Christa slips her feet into the slippers and opens the book. Without a key to decode it, she is confused. She raises her head to ask for help; however, there is only silence. The beautiful woman and singing performer disappears.

She sees the narrow, religious road. "follow the narrow road, follow the narrow religious road!" Okay, I can do this. Christa places the map inside a basket she finds and begins her journey to the one who can help her dissolve her brainstorm.

We do not need a story to understand how events influence our thinking. Most people have been in the middle of a storm, physically speaking. Experiences are always there. They are just apart of living. All of us, that to battle negative thoughts as the environment around us become unstable and the future uncertain. If we are being honest, we loss that battle more than we want to admit.

One of my favorite quotes is- "Ships don't sink because of the water around them; ships sink because of the water that gets in. Don't let what is going on around you get inside and weigh you down." -unknown

You will not find shame here about your sunken ships. I have plenty of my own. This quote is still a work in process for me. There is a reason why I keep it hanging in my bathroom.; it serves as a reminder for me to get rid of waste pressuring me and to keep aware of what I am digesting in my mind.

God keeps me humble enough to understand the struggle of that quote. After all, it is easier to keep water out of your ships when your ships are sailing on calm water and in good condition. Yet, when your ships collide with powerful storms, it is nearly impossible for some water not to get in. It is very exhausting to plug holes and bail out buckles of water as the walls of waves crash into your ship. The long the storm, the greatest the chances your ship will sink. After the storm moves on and you manage to keep from sinking, there may be extensive damage that is physical noticeable.

The most dangerous type of damage is the damage we hide on the inside. A psych-clone that changes the way we think and act. We may become distant, lose friends or change our behaviors.

It is in this type of storm that we lose ourselves to the storm. Some become unable to find our way back because our moral compass was damaged by the psych-clone. Others just do not know how to reclaim hope or joy again.

It is in these times when we must seek help. Some will find comfort journaling or talking to friends, others require the professional aide of a therapist to work through it. Some see a psychiatrist who prescribes medicine to fight the psych-clone. Still, the bondage of the psych-clone still remain. The longing for freedom grow stronger and finding peace become vital for personal survival .

There are people like me who, in desperation, go back to their roots of religion. They return to the church, hoping the answers are into the walls of that building. Others go to church for the first time looking for answer. The music may speaks to their pain opening their hearts and minds to hear the preacher's words. God's love and the freedom found in accepting Jesus. He or she shouts, 'follow the religious road, follow the religious road." So, people like me slip on religious slippers and open the good book, aka The Map. This map that cam be confusing and thick. We need help interrupting it. So, we continue to go to church relying on the pastor to explain it.

However, after the Sunday Service is over, the people often scatter and go their separate ways. A person with questions or doubts can be left alone in their quest to unlock the Bible's power.

Religious slippers can direct us to the right path, but they cannot walk for us. Studying the Bible is necessary, but understanding it is nearly impossible without a little help. It always seemed to me that something was missing. A key element I needed to find to properly interrupt what the creator was saying. An element that took me years in my spiritual journey to find.

Don't get me wrong, religion, church attendance and especially the Bible are great tools. However, they are a starting point. They were only the beginning bricks; bricks on a path each believer must take in his or her quest for spiritual freedom. But this path is never met to be walked alone.

Thankfully, it is the season for friends and family get-togethers. A season to offer help to you in finding the way or the way back. Everyone you meet has something to teach you about God whether they are a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or Atheist . So, put on your religious slippers (if you want), bring your Bible and don't forget to enjoy the journey.

This month I will sharing a few characters God places in our spiritual journey. In their stories are recipes for love, hope and faith as well as reasons to digest thankfulness for each.


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