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Outside the Box of Lemonade

With this life come lemons...

Throughout time lemons have been given a bad name.

A lemon can be associated with a car that came from the factory with all sorts of detects. These detects influence the car's ability to function effectively and cause stress Worst, a lemon can be spoke of a person who others see as deplorable, insufficient, or weak (Goggle definition)

" A further example, is a lemon man- sexist or anti-feminist. (According to the Urban dictionary) "

There are phrases like, 'when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.' -Dale Carnegie

That is why it should not come as a surprise when people encounter lemon-like experiences they want to get rid of those lemons as soon as possible. Some people are good at transforming their lemons into something sweet-like lemonade. A little sugar can hide the sour part of it and water is a key ingredient for lessening the intensity.

Experiences can bad enough, but what about when the lemon parts of us. Some people's lemons are elements of their appearance like hair or eye color, others there are personalities traits like a timid nature or anxiety-prone, and still some have a health condition like acne or

People have a habit of scrolling others' social media pages. Where we wish we had that "photo cropped" house, those "picture perfect" kids or that "toned" body, We thumb through magazines looking at the non-lemon images taken by a professional photographer and our eyes sting. Even in church we compare our religious-themed lemons like our singing voice, the number of Bible devotional we did or the titling amount we gave.

We see ourselves as unworthy, inferior and helpless because we put our lemons in a box and compared them to others. We may see our box full when others have only a few. We may see that our lemons are bigger and others are smaller. We may been see that our lemons are bruised when others have fresh lemons. That when we try to hide our lemons or changes our lemons into something others definite as desirable.

There people may feel like they were a lemon from the factory. Everything from their appearance to their personality to their social status is defective. Life starts to look gloomy, dark and hopeless.

When we compare long enough, we starts to envy others who have less than, smaller or better lemon than us. No amount of lemonade is going to make our sour lemons easier to shallow. Those moments are where harts turn bitter and angry.

Before anyone goes and squeezes the life out of his or her lemons, let's stop and look at lemons from other perspective. Lemons have many health benefits. They encourage a good immune system, may help people loose weight, and detox the body from harmful free radicals that can cause cancer. Plus, they are used in cleaning products and add flavor to water as well as dishes like salmon or chicken.

Let's, also, consider our lemons from God's perspective. For, a good God created lemons so he must have a good purpose for them.

'But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." 2 Corinthians 12:9

One of the great things about lemons is their skin, zest, can be used. Nothing goes to waste. So, if you feel like you have a box full of lemons, you should turn them over to God. No lemon goes bad or get wasted in God's hands.

God is the master chef. He knows what ingredients go together to make the perfect dish. Trust in God is letting Him put you (even keep you) in a place where your gifts will benefit His Will the most. He uses lemons in a wide range of dishes from simple appetizers to a main course to dessert. He may assign you a supporting role in someone's life or in ministry-appetizer, He may give us a lead role where you mentor other's believers' journey and have a huge audience- a main dish, or your life may mix with someone at just the right time that they need what you have to give- dessert. Each dish is just as important as the others. For an appetizer helps sustain the hungry until the main dish arrives and the dessert's sweetness remains with a person even after the meal is over.

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.- Isaiah 40:29

It is not a coincidence that lemons are found as an ingredient in so many desserts. They are special treats. In this fallen world, everyone has something to hide. Most try to keep their shortcoming out of view. That is why it is so easy to get lost in the dark. Lemons, on the other hand, cannot be so easily concealed. Their brightness stands out like a sore thumb. Yet, when people give their lemon-like experience or lemon self to God, those lemons have the ability to become someone's sunshine. That sunshine is the light they the lost need to help them out of the darkness. When a believer allows their weariness and/or weak to show, grace shows. Grace is powerful. Grace covers all detects. It gives people the strength to walk out of the darkness and into the light of God's presence. In that presence His mercy heals their wounds and gives faith its power.


Sometimes, the only thing people need is someone to take the first step. The lost need a person to show them how to let's go on the world's lemon labels and falls in God's hands. Other times, they need two or more people to join before they do. That is one of the many vital roles of the church-to lead the way.

It is like that old Country song by Aaron Trippin, "There Ain't Nothin' Wrong with the Radio"

Some people may feel like he is a lemon car, broken from birth. Others may feel like this life has broken them down and their body does not work like it used it. As long as the radio works, the message can still be communicated. Testimonies can be shared. Words of encouragement can be sung. The speakers can still boom like a drum for passing by to hear. Where God wills, there is always a way.

"For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-disciple." 2 Timothy 1:7

So, when life gives you lemons you could get sour about them, let your heart turn bitter or your eyes burn with envy could make lemonade. Then again, you don't have to make lemonade. You could get on your creativity and think outside the box of lemonade.

Psalm 34:8 "Taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the one who takes refuge in him."

When we think outside the box of lemonade, we can see that The Holy Spirit is the perfect lemon aide. God's Spirit is all the lemons' aide our lemons need to transform into something good, encouraging, and strong. Something that God can use to refresh those who are thirsty.

May God bless your lemons!

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