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Even Sunflowers Struggle

Every seed begins it journey of life in dirt. People are no different. Everyone is in flesh. It is our shell, our seed. We are in the world, a world composed of dirt.

In order to get to the surface, a seed must open its shell and fight it way through the dirt.. Likewise, a person must open his mind to hear God and her heart to accept Jesus. This can be challenging for several reasons. On one hand, believing in what you cannot see or prove exist is very difficult. On the other hand, everyone has some form of personal battles. Forgiving one self is hard, but believing God loves despite it all and give us the gift of his son to wash away our mistakes seems farfetched. It takes blind faith for that kind of breakthrough .

Once the spout breaks through, it doesn't stop there. It begins to transform. It must rely on sunlight, water and nutrients for its environment. to become what it was met to be. Likewise, a person who become a believer begins to transforms. God every believer to grow. To become what He intended him to be. He gives her his son's light to warm us, his spirit to quench his thirst and an environment to nurture her.

Soon a sprout become a plant and the help of pollination it blooms. Likewise, a person's faith bloom with time. Although, it is not always sunlight that cause faith to grow. For me, it has often been those bee string moments. The painful personally experiences life has a way of giving us and God has a way of using to grow our trust in him.

I have been amazed at sunflowers. I used to think their flowers tracked the sun, but after some research, I learned only their buds do that. Regardless, there are a sight to see. I love how they rise so high and there head bloom so wide. That is why I purchased a packet of seeds.

I planted the seeds in an egg carton surrounded by top soil. Only five grown into sprouts. The day after transplanting them into the ground, three of those five were gone. It appears something had devoured them. The other two had holes in their leaves. A few night later with a flashlight, my husband found a large slug crawling around. the area where the sunflowers were planted. Knowing what caused the problem was, I took action to protect my sunflowers. I, also, prayed the other two would survive.

Another a month later, the two still remained. One stood strong. The other began leaning. Its exposed roots were under a lot of pressure to keep it together. Again, I took action. I planted a wooden rod next to the sunflower and secure it to the rod with twine. Then, I covered the roots and base of the plant, carefully, with top soil. With support, that sunflower grew up stronger. It bloomed with its head hold high.

Then, three weeks ago, a strong windstorm roar through our area. The day after, I noticed my sunflowers. The one with the support remained strong with its head held high. The other sunflower that stood strong from the beginning was now leaning and its flower head was drooping. Yet, in my frustration, I noticed a small flower blooming behind that sunflower. It seems to have its back. Then a few days later, smoke from wildfires blanketed the sun and made the air hazardous. My sunflowers pedals are now wilting. Yet they are still standing, ready to harvest their seeds.

But God, had a purpose with these two sunflowers. He showed me that despite the amazing nature of sunflower, they struggle. Like them, people struggle with their faith. Like my egg cartoon full of seeds, many never open their hearts and heads to God's mercy found through Jesus. They are unable to breakthrough their dirt. With those, we can water them with love like that of Jesus and we can be courageous enough to expose our journey of faith to them. But in the end, they must choose to break through their dirt or remain in it.

Like my five sprouts that were planted. many new believers struggle with the fight against evil. They allow forces in the dark to devour them. Too often, their faith dies as a result. Forces in the darkness will remain a threat to every believer as long as they are able to conceal their identity. The journey of faith require that we continuous search our heart. To eliminate pests that seek to destroy. They require the flashlight of the Holy Spirit to expose them as well the strength of the Holy Spirit to overcome them. In the end, every believer choose whether they allow evil to devour their faith or they grow closer to God.

Like my leaning sunflower, elements of life threaten to uproot us and keep us from blooming. Faith is not easy and the journey of faith isn't met to be taken alone. In those times, a person needs the support of other believers. While God is always strong, even when a person is at his weakest, the support of strong believers in her life to empower her to keep moving forward in faith.

We all have moments that we need help standing. We need prayer to keep in the good fight. That is the purpose God had in creating the church. A body of believer, connected through Jesus Christ, who will support each other in the walk of faith.

Like my strong sunflower, there are storms that strike us to the core. It doesn't seem to matter how long a person has been a believer or how many obstacles he has overcame already. All it takes is the surprise of a powerful storm.. A storm that is so intense that she forget how to pray and cannot gather the strength to believe God is for her good. In these times, she need his mercy more than ever. He needs a humble sunflower to have his back. Often, Those who will be a friend, not be a sermon.

The body may be bruised, the heart broken and the soul worn, but the support of a faithful friend is there. A friend who makes time to be available, who will listen and love, who will pray with us or privately for us without saying a word. Those friends are God-sent. Strong believers help others to remain standing in faith and persevere to his or her purpose. Hopefully, a harvest that show others how to overcome their dirt and rise to faith in Jesus. I only hope to be one those who have been for me and to show God's love.

Please remember it is okay to struggle in your faith and may God support you with his love, mercy and presence. May you not be afraid to ask for help and I hope you have a strong believer close to you if you are hurting. If you are a strong believer, I hope you offer support to other who are struggling.

God bless you and may you find the back pew freedom

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