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Outcast Ornaments

Strings of bright lights go around and around,

glowing in colors or glistening in white

Tinsels sparkle like icicles on each and every branch,

enchantment for a cold winter's night

Bottomless popcorn strung on thin twine,

placed perfectly to give a blockbuster design

Ornaments secured on hooks and place perfectly,

reeling in a performance that rated top of the line

Candy canes hung on the remaining branches,

to bring up childhood memories sweetness

The star will be placed on very top,

It seems to give the picture completeness

Lights, camera, action!

Life can play out like a motion picture. Everyone plays a role.

For a time, we are stuck in a box of institutions, learning the composition of life. We study the scripts of those who came before us. We observe successful productions and attempt try to avoid the stains from bad tomato reviews.

People desire a fulfilling life. Yet, many of us take a different angle on the tree of life..

There are those seeking the platinum and gold angle, They spend their time ornamenting their appearance and trying to climb to the top. Social media inspired DYI projects fads have people flocking to the mirror to fit into the latest profile. Makeup, attire and accessories serve as an anti-camouflage glitter that shines. They seek out the casting crew to take them out of the box and position them on center stage.. They glisten, often giving up who they really are, to get the attention of the Autour and took his or her direction without question. On stage, the ornaments give their best to hit the mark to an audience that is itching to judge his or her performance, pointing out bloopers. and expose the flaws of their overall look.

These ornaments allow others to edit their glitches all in the hope of becoming a star.

A few amongst them have superior symmetry. They look like they were carved out by a famous renaissance artist. Those are the only who get center stage and climb to the top of the tree. They seems to be born stars.

Others ornaments come from the cookie-cutter-by the-dozen box angle. They choose to play a supporting role or blend into the crowd of extra to wrap up the sweetness of the perfect picture scene. They do not want to become the star. They do not desire the spotlight. They will not pay the price one needs to play to be in the center stage position. Happiness for them is to have a place on the tree where they are surrounded by those like them or those they love.

Then there are those ornaments who find themselves in the outcast angle. These ornaments are not given to the choice to choose their position. They are placed in the back of the bottom of the tree like a person puts the ornaments that a young child created in preschool because it clashes with the image they are trying to achieve. In fact, an outcast ornament may feel like God allowed a nagging toddler angel to help form them in Heaven. Some lack any sense of symmetry, most have a form of worldly defined quirkiness and others have have an unique features or traits. Whether an eye sore or something else, one thing that they have in common is not fitting into the norm. They stand out, but not in the ways that agencies like. For these, it is very easy to feel like a misfit without a place or a purpose on the tree of life.

From a popular story where a misfit reindeer's nose become the key to saving the special night to a trouble-making child who was left behind only to bring two thieves to justice. Throughout motion picture's history, there have been many Christmas films where misfits change the outcome of the story. For me, I see what makes them different is the key to solving the problem.

Bright nose= a tool to battle the fog

Prankster= creative crime stopper

To me, misfits are a plot hidden treasure. They give hope when others believe hope is lost.

Let me explain:

Most people do not see a misfit coming and that makes a worthy opponent. Others ignore their words or ideas. and make them underestimated. Yet, misfits have the potential to become great impactors in the world. To go down in history as the anti-hero of the plot, the conquers of obstacles, the unexpected intervention characters. They are natural entrepreneurs. They live outside of what is normal. As a result, they think outside the box. Misfits see life for the back pew. They often have a unique perspective on many things. While most people are on the stage focusing on their performance, a misfit might be back stage where they see what is going on behind the curtain. They have the power to see what others miss. Many, over time, do not become overwhelmed by being uncomfortable; some even learn to embrace it. It is , as though, misfits were created for stressful situations; many even thrive in chaos. They understand how to use what they have around them. Whether it is on their person like a shiny nose or a separate tool like paint cans. After all, you can watch a young physicist in a popular tv show that uses his knowledge of science to show the many uses of duct tape


Life can feel like the script is already written for us. As believers, that is much truth to this.

"The heart of man plans his ways, but the Lord establishes his steps." Proverbs 16:9

Some may be happy cookie cutters or outcast ornaments. Many of us may not be able to control the ornaments we are or there we are positioned on the tree. That is why, we may have to follow the scripts we are given. Through God's gift of free will, we can control how we act and how we cast the lines that we are given. We have the power to reel in light or darkness. To repeal who we are or accept our role. People can becomes the monsters some label them us or prove them wrong by becomes the man or woman God wrote into his script.

When we accept the script that God has given us, see Jesus as the star of the show and allow him to direct us in the proper roles, we give the story of the manager and the empty tomb the power life and highlight the way to eternal life. With God, misfits have a position in the tree of life. In fact, God can use their oddness to make a difference in many people or even other person's life. I believe it is because they are unexpected. Evil does not know how to predict their course because there was no one in history to learn how to derail.

There is no sequels in this life. Still, people get lost in starring in same old plot only changing the characters or scenery to amuse the audience. When misfits refuse to be out casted in life's tree and embrace their role in it, the story takes a different path. The plot become interesting. The audience become speechless. With love or hate, there is allure in the unpredictable.

If you are an outcast or misfit, try to embrace it. Even if it is hard, do not lose hope. God has a purpose in it. Jesus was a misfit. From how he was conceived to where he was born to how he was able to defy science through miracles to conquered death.

As a mother, I treasure my kids homemade ornaments whether they are crooked or straight, perfectly paints or missing it. I know that they made them with their hearts and out of love for me. Like so, God made outcast ornaments with His Heart and out of love. So I know that value people who feel like they were made by a toddler angel in Heaven.

Every one, and I mean everyone, has a position on the tree of life. The journey is to find it, to play the part, and own the role you were given.

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