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Living in a Zombie World

Mombie? I have been there and still do that. As a mother of four, I know what it is like to be sleep deprived and feel brainlessness. Many mornings my body drags me to the coffee pot hoping a cup of joe will jump start my brain like jumper cables restarting a car battery. There are days when it takes multiple cups to get my brain waves functioning somewhat normal. It is a no-brainer that our brains are valuable power tools that need recharging. Thus, it is vital what we use to recharge them.

Movies with zombie-based plots have been around for ages. Over the last decade, they have been an obsession in the entertainment industry and people have ate them up.

With one click of a remote, computer or smart phone, we have access to infinite data. Data that seems to be saying....

Let me pick your brains for awhile.

Turning on the television to inquire information about what is going on in the world, America or in one's community can feel like being sucked into a popular ninety- eighty Michael Jackson video. The stories project images of monsters, destruction, disease and death. Reports appears to care about installing feelings than sharing facts. Chaos seems to be hiding about every corner waiting for the right moment to jump out and scary someone. When a person feeds on these stories, they can become infected with fear, anger and lose hope in humanity. An infected person's brain is hooked into the thriller's grip and they are lead to inject others with the same poison.

Then, there are advertisements. They focus of what someone doesn't have. Their spells have a formula that includes beautiful models or celebrities, backgrounds and things along with carefully choose words. Whatever the spell, it is intended to create an intense hunger that blinds people into thinking they need to have it. Those infected are driven to it like a mob of zombies consuming whatever crosses their path. Yet, many material possessions comes at a price that feels like she must gave life and limbs for it.

Webcraft can be hypnotizing. Social media platform allows their users to express themselves with post, videos and/ or pictures. People can create a profile in under five minutes. Every second, a new person's lifestyle is shared. The quest for likes, views and shares is powerful. For many, it can mean social acceptance or death. Social media feed on adrenaline. It is intoxicating much like a haunted house. Many people like the way it feels until a secret comes out of the darkness to confront them. Maintaining this type of lifestyle devour most. It consumes and it demanding consuming..


Many web pages are build to capture the attention of millions of browsers. Information is at the click of a button. Navigating the web can fell like being lost in a horror movie's corn maze. At every corner, there is a new twist that never seems to end. It confusing and the truth seems lost somewhere beyond reach. Searches can unhealthy for a person's mind. Within minutes of reading an article, a people can get lost or caught up in lies, emotions or propaganda. It's maddening.

Unconsciously, people become so consume with feeding on any and everything to keep their flesh alive that they do not realize they are killing their souls. It does not take long living in this zombie world to be infected by it. People appear to be living a dream. Yet, in their heart that are living in a nightmare because their souls are dead.

We must be aware of hidden dangers that are seeking to devour us and those who use us to infect others. If we allow ourselves to be consumed with the idea that we are living in a zombie apocalypse, we will not survive. We must fight against the zombies that are trying to infect us by feeding our minds with the things that endure-faith, hope and love. Our greatest weapon is unseen and what is unseen cannot be killed by others. That weapon is our spirit and it powers comes from the Holy Spirit. We have the power to choose whether it lives or dies and we have the chose how it lives or dies.

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but gives us power, love and self-disciple."

2 Timothy 1:7

It is time to initiate Project Lazarus. When we take the time to listen to God, we can do this. Jesus is calling each of us by name. He is calling on our souls to rises up. We live in challenging times that are different than the believers of past generations. Yet, Jesus's calling is the same. He instructs us to exit the tombs of despair, hate and unworthiness. He wants us to join him in his fight.

It is important to remember that it is not our jobs to save souls. It is, however, our job to build bridges between Jesus and the living dead. Once, he has access, he can revive the souls lost in the world. We do this not by preaching, but my living. We live in faith, so we can fear less. We live on the satisfyingly daily bread of God's word, so we are too hungry for the bread of this world. We live our lives with courage provided through the sacrifice of Jesus, so the world can see our need for grace.

We, also, live with the power of the Holy Spirit. Through this power, we can infect the web with posts of grace, love and hope. We can battle all the new stories of hate by giving an act of random kindness to a stranger or loved one each day. As believers, we can consume less and show others that material things are not the key to happiness. We have the power within our hands to be what is not expected because we have been given a spirit of power, love and self-control by our creator-God.

I may be living in a zombie world, but I am choosing not to be a zombie girl.

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