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Anger Stew

Updated: Oct 11, 2020

Through my experiences in life and observing others, I have learned many lessons. One brutal truth that I stand by is...

if the devil cannot keep you in Hell, that evil will put you through hell. The difficult part is knowing that God has to let Satan do that. That truth can be difficult to shallow even for the strongest believers.

Where there is hardships, there is a recipe for anger. It is easy to consume it by the spoon. Everyone has take a bite, if not many. To be angry is natural and it is part of the process of grief. To feed on anger stew is dangerous.

Anger stews a recipe for disaster. Satan is more than happy to serve it to any and everyone. No matter what the devil 's recipe consist of, you can bet its ingredients' purpose is to product hate. Thus, it is important to be aware of what is in Satan's recipe.

In the devil's recipe there are five ingredients The first is lost. King David spoke this of his son who died in Samuel 12 23, "But now he is dead. Why should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he will not return to me." The lost of a loved one is the worst. It is an irreversible. Some of the strongest anger stew recipe have this in them. To lost a relationship or a friendship can also be painful whether they left or you needs to walk away. The lost can come in the form of a lost of a job. This can unrelease a whirlwind of emotions that only build with time. Lost also includes the lost of a valuable material possession. Often there are emotional memories attached to object or memories. Losing the object can feel like losing the memory itself. It can also be a lost of an opportunity. Doors that appears to be open, but then someone or something shut them.

The second ingredients is the whispers of ridicule. Provides 18:21 says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits." Emotional abuse can come face-to-face from strangers or people. These days, it can also take shape on social media post, podcast or videos. They may be "all in good fun" Constant humor burns especially if it comes at the expense of others. Labels that devalue or names like stupid or ugly can damage a person's confidence. Shaming someone for something they do or did not do often comes at a price as well. Then there is comparison. A parent m may compare his son to his sibling or a wife may compares may compare her husband to her friend's. This ingredient also includes criticizing a person view or lifestyle. Social media allows people to cluster together against other groups or a person whom they disagree with. Another element to whispers of ridicule includes gossip, perhaps, acting like a ghost pepper that resurrect a dark past. A shared secret can burn and cause a person to see red.

The third ingredient in Satan's stew is loneliness. Even as an hard-core introvert I believe people are meant to be together. Loneliness is especially strong this year with Covid-19 causing people to isolate. Yet, people have been battling loneliness for ages. It is often very possible to feel alone even in a room full of people or in a marriage. People can be present physically, yet, be absent mentally. Making friends does not can easily to some people include me. It is easy to believe others don't want to be around me. After all, I am not political correct and share my feeling so often on social media.

The fourth ingredient is physical trauma. It can be a one time experience like a bad car accident that paralyze an individual or occur slowly over time like physical abuse which may leave physical scars or intents emotional ones. This ingredient also includes forms of sexual abuse hat usually tend to not eave visible wounds. Skin problems like acne or eczema also fit in this ingredient. Anything health related from asthma to cancer is also a part of physical trauma.

The fifth ingredient is acts of oppression. History has a darkness that reveals people have been unjustly treated based on their looks, gender, beliefs, nationality, and/or social status. Sadly, it still exist today all over the world. True equality is a constant battle. Oppression can occur on a large scale like institutional or a small scale like a family unit. On the other hand, it is easy to get lost in the past or use it when life appears unfair. The devil has a way of helping a person to see an enemy or enemies where there is not one. These are mirages; they feel real. They appears to be large obstacles that seems impossible to overcome. Another component of oppression is status. it can be fad in fashion or lifestyle that is not affordable. It can also include the status quo that threats consequences if not followed. Additionally, acts of oppression include any addiction. These bondage may keep a person oppress because of their strong pull or they may effect others around that person cause abuse, making relationships difficult or ending them all together.

Anger stew over time will lead to internal damage. This toxic concoction can take possession of the mind and pollute even the strongest of hearts. In its strongest form, it will transform a man or woman into a monster.

From pints of pride to teaspoons of jealously to tablespoons of fear to cups of bad experience and pain, anger stew is a powerful brew. Satan will use these all these ingredients or any combination to create anger stew because leads to hate. Even in its weakest form, the devil can transform a consumer into a chef who will then serve their form of anger stew to others. Through the spread of hate people become separated from God and that is Satan main purpose.

We must remain aware of what we are feeding on. It is important to ingest the ingredients that are good. Daily bread can absorb the poison that Satan intends to inflict with anger stew.

'Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." Matthew 5:6.

Our menu should include the pursuit of Biblical truths, praise to Jesus, pray to God and the power of love provided to us through the Holy Spirit. This will help us battle the ingredients that produce anger and lead to hate. It is also important what medicine we turn to when we are struggle with anger stew.

Psalm 141:8 says, "But my eyes are toward you, O God, my Lord; in you I seek refuge; leave me not defenseless."

Furthermore, we must give ourselves time. Time to remove the pot from the burner so to speak and take a chill pill. Outlets are good like spending time with friends and family or listening to music or journaling. Time helps us cool down.

Once anger stew become hate, love is the only antidote. To help others, we must speak the language of love. By giving a person our time, we can help dilute her loneliness. By giving a person a gift, we can support his lost. By speaking encouragement, we can help her drown out the whispers of ridicule. By serving a person where their needs are, we can help fight his oppression. By showing a person respect and compassion, we can help heal wounds. Most of all, we can pray for them because God's love is more powerful than anything any person can do or say.

In Genesis 50:20, Joseph tells his brothers, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people." This is my "go-to" Bible verse to repeat and even speak to Satan when I am going through a difficult time especially when I am battling anger.. God knows I am not perfect at diluting anger, I am a very passionate person and a fighter with my words. Yes, I have tongue troubles. However, He knows I continue to move toward becoming who He wants me to be. The state of my heart and my mind are important to me. I may not save the life of many or any people, but I believe if God allows hardships he will help me through it. The key is that I have to let him and I hope you will as well.

Don't let anger stew, get the best of you.

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