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Tattoos on the Heart

For many centuries, when most people think of conversation, they think of the exchanging of words. The main sources of communication were a mouth, the speaking device, and the ears, the hearing device. Those two body parts were most common way to give and receive messages.

Throughout history, societies have found ways to help deaf, blind, and mute people to speak as well. Sign language allows mute and deaf people to use their hand to speak and their eyes to hear. Brail allows the blind to read using their sense of touch in their fingertips.

Communication was never limited to the only three of human the senses. All the five senses serve in conversations. Taste buds speak to their love or hate of foods. Thus, people can communicate appreciation, love, skill through the foods they prepare a dish for others. The nose hears through the speech of smells in the air. The odor of Smoke speaks of danger and the nose hears that it needs to be alert. The fragrance of perfume can speak seduction and the nose hears I want you. The aroma of bacon can speak to an empty stomach and the nose heart the direction it needs to take to satisfy its hunger.

Body language is also a form of communication. The eyes are for more than just reading a book or a sign. They speak. A pair of wide eyes may say that someone is surprised, a dilated pupil shares that someone is excited, or tight, narrow eyes may say that someone is upset. The eyes also hear. They see a smile and see a sign of hello or approval. They see hands crossed across another chest and hear that person disapproval. They see lips frowning and hear sadness.

In today tech culture, text messages have replaced many verbal conversations. Most people have learned to hear with their eyes and speak with their hands as they type words, through many text messages were interrupted wrong due to the missing tone found in a phrase or message. They could explain why tech companies have added symbols to smart phones. They help self-expression in a digital world of nonverbal speech.

But it is not just words that communicate. Pictures do as well. Photos tells about the adventures a person have taken. On a dating site, a selfie can sow the seeds of attraction. Images serve as a visual timeline from birth to adulthood in a person’s life. Photography is used to market ideas and products. Pictures replace words.

Communication is a full body experience. There is no doubt that it influences the heartbeat of the world and all the life forms that inhabit it. That is why we must be aware of the power of communication, verbal or nonverbal. Language is full of seeds that take root in the heart. Conversations are like tattoos on a heart. They can be temporary or permanent. It is important what messages become permanent ink on our hearts because our hearts soak up the ink.

Like water, that ink nourishes the seeds in our hearts. From those seeds our hearts produce fruit. Fruit that is spoken by our tongues and received by others’ ears. Fruit that is shown through body languages and received by an audience. Fruit whose aroma is therapeutic or toxic to the nose of those whom we share an atmosphere. Fruit that is prepared in our homes that is tasted by hungry residents and guests.

Our heart’s fruit receives many messages. It is important that the negative ones are quickly wiped away or are only temporary because they can become as permanent as ink on our hearts. I know it is very difficult. I am communicating this message to own heart as I write this. I know that the world seems to be ruled by self-serving king-like mind leaders, justice appears to be withheld from the common people, and evil seems to be making more ground daily. I know the flesh is powerful and the pulls of desire is hard to resist. I have given into it more times when I wish to admit. Thank God for Jesus's amazing grace, right!

I must confess that God's presence can seem too far away for me to reach because of the things I let into my heart. Fear is a tattoo that I am trying to wipe away. But it is difficult. When I think that I have gotten rid of it, it appears again. I have learned is not about ridding myself of fear. Sometimes, it is about facing the source of the fear. Other times, it is about gathering the courage to keep on moving. That type of courage can only be given through the Holy Spirit.

Washing toxic ink from our hearts is only possible with God. The Word of God is the best way of washing defeating tattoos away. The Bible communicate the truth to our hearts. Its ink is powerful. It not only washes away negative emotions, painful words, lies, or shame from our hearts, the Bible stitches wounds and replaces regrettable ink with positive messages. Its messages are rooted in John 3:17 and reiterate through Jesus's ministry. It still produces permanent fruit today and forever more because Jesus died for our sins and defeated death for us. It was all in the name of love.

Love is the best tattoo the heart will ever know. Honesty, I am a hard worker and a seeker of justice. But like the Ephesus church John wrote about in Revelation 2, I have gotten lost in hard work and the pursuit of justice and truth so much that I have forgotten my first love.

Yeah, I long to be like the church of Philadelphia. I have a long way to go. But I have the key and that is love. I will move forward with love for the Lord my God and do my best to love my neighbor.

Along with love, I will send my heart messages of Hope until it is tattooed on it. I know it is a vital state of mind to have on one's heart. It motivates. It encourages one to endure. I also will send my heart messages of faith via Bible verses. Faith makes room for God to mold a person's heart. Faith remains through the lack of understanding and stands without proof. Faith produces mustard seeds and those produce a fruit harvest that is contagious.

What do you want tattooed on your heart?

It is vital as we walk the walk of faith that we put on the Armor of God. I believe, when we put ink that says "Jesus loves me" , "child of the Yahweh", "amazing grace" and other Biblical truths on our hearts, we have a key tool in Armor of God.

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