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Spiritual War Paint

Body and face painting has a long history in several different cultures about the world. It was many uses and meanings. Body paint was and is apart of ceremonial activity in many. Many times to reveal a person's identity or their power that has been hidden beneath the surface Face and body painting also serves a means of entertainment. Clowns paint a smile on their faces and bring laughter to their audience. At carnival booth, face painting serves as a fun way for people to show the world who they are and what they love. Makeup serves as a modern-day paint that covers up flaws or highlights favorable facial features. Other apply body or face paint as a method of artistic expression or to produces a certain response in an audience. With the great tools and talents of today, artist can paint on clothing and transform their models into a superhero or a villain. You can see example of these in popular magazines and movie or on the catwalk.

Many cultures will use natural resources around them as body paint. These tribes used body paint as a practical resource for protection from bug and other natural elements. For example, mud can serve as protection from the sun.

On the other hand, paint serves as a preparation for battle. In Native American cultures, as well as other cultures, warriors' faces were painted to trigger their internal strength before they went to battle. Like Native Americans, Vikings painted their body's and face as a source of mental conditioning before battle. Even modern-day athletes and their fan base use face paints from time to time to symbolize who they are and who they represent.

Battles will come and battles will go. Many battles that we face appear to be physical on some level. There are battle that are of the physical body like cancer, of the mind like depression, or of the heart like hate. Battles of the mind and heart can manifest themselves into the physical by way of physical war, suicide or abuse. It's only nature to fight what your five senses show you and dismiss what cannot be seen, heard, touched, smelled or tasted.

As believers, we know that every battle faced by our flesh has a spiritual root. That is why painting by body or face is not enough. Face and body paint only serve as a superficial means. They can be taken off or washed away with time or with the harshness of the elements. We must find a fool proof method to show the world who Yahweh is and what Yeshua did. We must go deeper beneath the many layers of the flesh. We need to apply war paint onto our spirits. Doing so, will give us a confidence in the identity that God created for us and is building within us. Taking the time to cover our spiritual body with the word of God, also, will create a layer of armor (protection) that will keep us walking in faith and shields us from the whispers of doubts the enemy uses to damage our relationship with God. When we use permanent pigments, they strain our spirit with truth. That truth has a way of breaking through the flesh especially where the flesh is broken. Those are not times when we should focus on the pain of our wounds, but in the truth that shines through them. (something I need to remember.) We also need not to be ashamed of our scars when we have spiritual war paint on. For our scars will become tattoos of our testimony as well as we maintain our spiritual war paint.

Below is what spiritual war paint may look like:

White- I will cover my spiritual face and body with white paint to remind myself of the amazing grace I have through the sacrifice of Jesus. This paint symbolizes that my soul is protected by the perfect life of Jesus who conquering death. I know the sins of my flesh will not chain my soul to this world.

Red- I will paint a red heart on my right cheek to symbolize the perfect (Agape) love of God who loves me and every other person unconditional.

Black- I will paint a black X on my left cheek to remember the need for humility. It is vital to recognize that I am a sinner too. I have flaws and make mistakes. I still need forgiveness for others and God often. I have already accepted God's mercy and Jesus's grace .Thus, I need to extend grace and mercy to others who sin against me and those I love. Jesus's grace and God's mercy are available for everyone.

Blue- I will paint a circle around my lips and onto my chin to present the presence of the Holy Spirit within my spirit. It is the water that nourishes and protects me. I must wear this paint to show the world that the Holy Spirit is available to all who believe that Jesus is the Son of God.

Yellow- I will brush yellow paint onto my spiritual eyelids. This will serve as a window to the past. That way I will have the power of looking back to reflect on the moments when God came through, lonely times when He showed me His presence, and the tough seasons that He sustained me in.

Orange- I will paint my nose with orange to exhibit the empower and energizing aroma of praising God before, during and after every battle.

Purple- I will paint my lips with purple to share the word of God written in the Bible, to highlight testimonies of the power of prayer, and the faith of the believers that have come before me.

Green- I will paint a horizontal strip on my spiritual body each time I experience a change in the condition of my heart and a growth in my faith's journey with God.

Every believer's journey of faith looks different, his or her purpose in God's Will be displayed differently with different spiritual gifts., and he or she may serve as a different part in the body of Christ. Like so, your spiritual war paint may look different than mine. Keep that in mind and do not compare your look to others when you are facing a battle and likewise do not condemn them for not looking like yours.

The trumpets will sound

To bring soldiers together

War dongs will be struck

To awaken warriors from their sleep

Church bells will ring

To direct believers to begin singing

When you heard the call

It will be time to rise to the battlefield

Until then, it is necessary to prepare.

Battles will come and battles will go. So, will you take the time to apply on your spiritual war paint?

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