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Soot-Covered Wings

Updated: Jan 6, 2021

I see her standing firmly in place like a concrete statue. There is a shadow behind her, the shadow of an angel.

The angel's head is lowered. Her lips sealed. Silently, she pressed her hands tightly together. Her eyelids play the role of a secure shield for her weary eyes. The angel's skin is charred and scarred from many battles. Her wings covered in soot. Nevertheless, the persist to cradle her as dirty tears seep out of her eyes.

With each tear, she is letting go of shame. Releasing pain others inflicted upon her. She is freeing herself of the burden of knowing how God is going to work out her situation. He is going to protect her family, She is holding onto His promise like she has nothing else to hold onto as she dangles over a cliff.

She was once a chicken, afraid to face the uncertainty darkness brings. She reflect back on all many years running from it and reminds she kept finding darkness where ever she went. But now she knows that God's timing is perfect. She is proof of that.. A decade ago, she did not possess the courage she needed to overcome the challenges before her today. She learned God can do anything through any creature or personality. He can even take a chicken and transform it in a phoenix through the fire. He can even take a monster and mold Her into a woman. She knows the fires will come and will go.

Now, she is no longer afraid of the dark. She will not run away from it. She will face it and is ready to walk through it, when Jehovah calls her to. She carries the light as bright as a bonfire inside of her. An unseen torch that light up the darkness and guide her through it.

To the world, her stone-like state says that she is a victim of Medusa. A slave to myths and imaginary friends. They mock her saying that she must have got lost glazing into her eyes and her crowns of snakes curse got her. She attempts to ignore their sharp-hooked lines. She promised herself to stop looking at her pain through the eyes of a victim and start looking at her pain through the eyes of its purpose. When she is able, she sees them as the victim of a crown of snakes whose bites are concealed from the eyes of flesh, whose bites infect the hearts and minds of its victim. It is when we has compassion for them that she

sees her wings contains the cure. She does her best to rise them. She long to show the world, she believe in their power and grace. Broken-hearted, exhausted flesh, and a sore mind, often, she fails. The scar tissue hidden under her tarnished feathers aches when she spread her wing. The weight of the burdens on her wings are heavy.

Even so. she keeps persisting.

People say that her wings are dirty...scarred... broken... useless. They mock her saying that wings like that you will never fly. But she does not focus on what they say. She carries her soot-covered wings proudly. They remind her of where she has been and where she is going. They remind of the One who loves her more than anything. The One who died for her and the One who gave her a part of Itself to help her get through. The One who provides the wind beneath her wings, One day she will fly..

That is why she stands tall in her beliefs. She waits for Him to swept her off her feet and make her soot-covered as white as snow. The righteous that lives within her spirit is not her to take credit for. The glory go to Him. For one day, upon the hour, she will rise out of the pain of this world into her Forever home.

I know this angel. I see her in the mirror looking standing behind me.

Often, when we look in the mirror the see our flesh. We get lost in the imperfections. We become paralyzed by scars of shame from our past.

Yet, if we look with the eyes of grace and mercy, we will see the wings behind us that will carry us through. They may be dirty, broken, and soot-covered.

When we believe, we stand tall

and faith, one day our wings will be made as white as snow, the scarred removed, and they will spread and rise above the fire of this broken world.

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