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Healing Ring of Fire

They gather together, bringing with them, their stones. One by one they bend onto their knees and release the stones from their hands placing them into the dirt. Each stone touches another as they form a circle.

When the ring is compete, they collect their sticks. Their small one form a tepee in the center of the ring. The other sticks are released to form a piles. Then, they take a seat on the logs around the ring to form a circle.

A guitar strikes a string, like two sticks rubbing together; the fictions increases. A voice begins to sing like one who releases her breath over the flint until it ignites. The burning flint is placed in the center of the sticks. As the guitar strikes more stings and a voice blows more breaths, the sticks are consumed by night and light up in the night sky. Those around the circle cask their larger sticks and logs into the fire, One by one, they release the sticks from their sticks and logs from their eyes as the flames rise pushing away the cold touch of the darkness. Around the ring of fire, they cry together and sing their hearts out together. In time, smiles and laugh returns to their weary faces. Their burdens transform into ashes and their pile of sticks grows smaller. They grow as they comforted by the shared warmth from that ring of fire.

"Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed, save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise." Jeremiah 17:14

There is something about music that moves people. From the toes that tap, to the hands that clap. From the heart that heal to the head that shakes their blues away. From the soul that show its face, to the spirit that dances with grace.

Music is powerful.

It can transport us back in time. Music revives memories of yesterday. It motivates us to step into tomorrow. On its hope, we soar. It can keep us in the present as we hold on to each note, each word. It can wraps the gift of the moment. Music is timeless.

Musical instruments have a power on their own. A flute can charm a lethal snake out of its dwelling and make it dance like a puppet with strings. A drum can play to the heart's beat and strength a weary warrior. A saxophone can blow away stress and fear and feed the soul without a word spoken.

David knew this. He played the harp to praise God. He, also, knew the power of strings and the power of words. David used his song's lyrics to connect with God in many of the Psalms we know today. He knew that God's own breath breathed life into existence.

"Remember, O Lord, your unfailing love and compassion, which you have shown from ages past, Forgive the rebellious sins of my youth; look instead through the eyes of your unfailing love, for you are merciful, O Lord." Psalms 25:6-7

David may not have known how to properly treat a woman or how to give respect to another man's heart; however, he knew how to pray for forgiveness and he knew how to praise God for HIs mercy with his shortcoming and for all the provision that he received. David's heart spoke directly to God's. They had a relationship despite David's imperfections. God longs for us to need him, to want his help. David did. Maybe it is better to say that David had a great relationship with God because of David's awareness of his imperfections and for his desire for the one who was perfect-God. David pursued God's heart like God pursues ours.

None of us are perfect either. There is no such thing as the perfect Christian, perfect spouse, perfect parent, perfect child, perfect cop, perfect citizen, perfect representative, or perfect president.

We get hurt; We get hurt by unmet expectations. We get hurt by injustices. We get hurt by consequences of vengeance. We get hurt by lies. We get hurt by facts. In turn, we hurt each other. We cask the stones that build up in our hearts thinking it will get rid of the cold. When it doesn't remove the heaviness on our hearts, we share its cold to make others feel what we feeling with or without caring about the stones we are placing on their hearts. We use our words like stick swords. We think we are defending our honor, our future. Yet, many times we come across as trying to make room for our words to have more importance.

We need to stop breaking each other. We must stop bleeding on others. Instead of throwing stones and sticks at each other, we must release them at the foot of the cross. So, with Jesus's Grace, we can attended to our wounds.

"He makes winds his messengers, flames of fire his servants." Psalms 104:4

I am confide that God uses music to help us with our wounds and reminds us who we are because He say so. He touches hearts during Sunday worship service. He speaks to them during the Monday morning commute. He heals the humps of yesterday with a musical on Wednesday. He even awakens the soul at a Friday night concert.

For me, music have always been therapeutic. God has used many songs to speak to me. From our hymns to modern songs like "Elements" by Toby Mac or "Overcomer" by Mandisa. He doesn't stop within the wheel house of the Christian genre, he speak through many secular genres as well. Bon Jovi's "Welcome to Wherever You Are". The line, "When you wanna give up, and your heart's about to break. Remember that you're perfect, God makes no mistakes." Spoke to me when I was feeling like I was not a good mother and my children deserved a better one. I knew that I didn't need to be perfect. I have the one who is within me.

There is something magically about music. It brings people of all backgrounds together. It allows us to feel like we are heard. Like someone understand a little about the pain of our hearts. With a song, our burdens are released and our pains turns to ash. The words warm our cold hearts and the rhyme removes the anger from our fingertips.

I wish that we, as a family, as a church, as a town, as a nation, could bring our burden and lay them down together. No more throwing them at others. No one pointing fingers. Only people being human, being vulnerable. After all, no one is innocence and everyone is guilt of something.

If Christ is our flint, we can learn to sing together in harmony. I know I am dreaming. Not everyone will. But if only two gather in His name, he will hear them. So, my hope is that some will. A small gesture, can make a big impact. In small groups, God has done HIs greatest work of redemption. (Ex. 300 soldiers in Gideon, twelve disciples of Jesus. ) God is big, so He only need a small amount. Someone only one. But if I do my part and you do yours in Christ, we can make a difference.

"Is not my word like fire," declares the Lord, "and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?" Jeremiah 20:9

Small groups may off key or not perfectly in sync; but if everyone gives and makes room, everyone will have a voice, a place around the ring of fire. We would know they we belong together that we are stronger that way. We would share the warmth of the Holy Spirit's fire. Maybe, if we would do that we would realize how alike we really are. We all have a sad song from yesterday and we all the ability to find a happy one for tomorrow together.

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