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God's Mirror: Sheep and Lions

Mirror, Mirror on the world's wall....

Tell me what do you see?

a gullible, blind follower

a mindless tool

one who is weak, small, cowardice

a predator's dinner

That is what the world see, when it looks upon the sheep

Labels are nothing new. Negative ones seem more popular than positive. Sheep has been associated with negative traits. They are seen as spineless puppet who is being led by power-hunger shepherd(s), leader(s), that wish to devour them to fulfill their own appetites.

Most people have acted like a negative sheep from time to time. We have given away part of their morals or self to be in the popular crowd or accepted by a crush. There are times, we have refused to speak of dangers and wrong doings when we see them ahead of us and others.

Isiah 53:7 "He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth."

Sheep are ,also, associated with innocence, a symbol of something in need of protection from predators. People are drawn to their cuteness, especially children. Lambs are popular character in old children's songs and books. People count sheep when we are struggling to sleep. It seems that there is a degree of symbolic comfort. A nourishment for hungry from the physical to the spiritual.

Regardless, of whether that is a true assessment or just an insult, God loves sheep. He first came out of His love for us, as a lamb in flesh.

He gave Jesus as His lamb. Jesus came into this world innocence and a worthy sacrifice to so they would have someone that looked like them to show them a better way. He became a Shepherd who suffered and provider them a way of hope. He is the one who first forgave and led a humble life sharing His kindness. He gave all of Himself so everyone would have life beyond the slaughterhouse.

Perhaps, God has a special in His heart for sheep. I know He see them differently than us.

Mirror, Mirror on Heaven's Wall

Tell me what does God see?

Through loving eyes, he sees a heart that he can mold


A teachable disciple

A long-suffering, willing provider

One is who forgiving, kind, and humble

An all-giving vessel

When He sees the sheep, He sees an image of His Love

Yes, God knows the power of the heart. He sees its potential. He seeks to mold it. He is love and molds willing hearts into His image.

Revelation 7:17, "For the Lamb on the throne will be their Shepherd. He will lead them to springs of life-giving water. And God will wipe every tear from their eyes."

God takes a sheep's heart and molds it into a teachable vessel. He takes the sheep eagerness to follow and gives them an opportunity to carry out His Will. He teaches them to be an example for His purpose. He takes their weaknesses and patches them with His strengths. He uses their natural ability to love, support and nourishment to reach the wounded. He comforts their fears with His presence. He knows they are willingness to their thick, wooly coat to help someone else get warm. He sees their desire to work toward forgive ness and their effort to remain kind and humble. So, He highlights those traits like a beacon for the lost. Where the world sees a sheep as disposable prey, God see a selfless vessel who will give all of him or herself because Jesus first gave himself.

Mirror, Mirror on the world's wall...

Tell me what do you see now?

a relentless, territorial ruler

a self-indulging killer

one who is fierce, prideful, and fearless

a hunger-driven, devouring monster

That is what the world sees, when it looks upon the lion.

Lions are seen as power-hunger people who are trying to conquer everything and everyone. People who see sheep as disposable. Perhaps, a strict dictator, usually a male, who seek his own interests at the expense of others. Even the females are seen as the hunters who devour the weak amongst the herds. Yet, a lion is, also, seen as a strong label that many people seek for themselves. It is a term of authority, one Kings crown themselves with. Being a lions is about controlling and not being controlled. It is one who is brave and not a coward. To be a lion is having the power to take what one wants because you have the skills to do so. It is either admired or feared for its powerful presence.

Even the Bible speaks of a lion's fearlessness:

Isaiah 31:4 "This is what the Lord says to me, 'As a lion growls, a great lion over its prey-and though a whole band of shepherds is called together against it, it is not frightened by their shouts or disturbed by their clamor..."

Perhaps, God sees the lion in a different manner than the world does.

Mirror, Mirror on Heaven's Wall

Tell me what does God see now?

Through loving eyes, he sees a heart that he can mold into...

A strong, sound-minded leader

A bold, alert protector

One is who loyal, powerful, and patient

An instinct-driven, persevering warrior

When He sees a lion, He sees the image of His Justness

Proverbs 28:1 "The wicked flee when not one pursues but the righteous are bold as a lion."

Yes, God sees the lion differently. He knows the power of the heart. He sees its potential. He seeks to mold it. He is just and make each heart into His image.

He takes its territorial and self-indulging nature and use it to create a yearning for a home. Then, he begins to mold the blueprints of the home. First, He takes its stubbornness and uses it as a strong foundation of faith. Next, he works from the inside out. He uses their patient to transform the ruler into a leader and the killer into a protector. Then, He takes its fierce nature and builds a structure that will withstand strong winds and a roof that is firm and is weather-resistant. Where the world sees a monster, he sees a watchful, devoted warrior who is ready to defend his or her home, country, and most of all, faith anywhere, anything.

The world's mirror is so different from God's. The world's mirror uses their differences to divides the sheep and the lion.

A sheep is a prey, a lion is a predator.

A sheep is a servant, a lion is a master.

A sheep is weak, a lion is strong.

A sheep is a lover, a lion is a fighter.

A sheep is a dreamer, a lion a realist.

A sheep is a giver, a lion is a taker.

These personalities tend to see each other as the problem A sheep thinks a lion needs to learn to be a giver, let down their guard and let someone led the way. A lion thinks a sheep needs to be stronger, smarter, and take what is theirs. They have a difficult time co-existing in harmony with one another. Yet, together they create balance.

God created them both the sheep and the lion. He has a good purpose for both. One day, things will be different. God will make us whole and one in Him.

Isaiah 11:6 "A wolf will reside with a lamb, and a leopard will lie down with a young goat; an ox and a young lion will graze together, as a small child leads them along."

Until then, God is busy molding the hearts of His Children, both sheep and lions.

God partners with Christians to bring others to Him. That is why He created sheep. The world needs sheep that provide God's message of love, nurture the lost with acts of love and who are role models of forgiveness.

Matthew 10:16 "Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. So be as shrewd as snakes and harmless as doves."

This world, also, needs lions who will protect both the lost sheep and God's sheep. They are shepherds who led the sheep on the narrow path. They are the guardians who know the predators because they are built like one. They are the leaders who will protect the give of their nutrient. A loin with a heart for God knows is the source of their strength, wisdom and authority.

Psalms 104:21 "The young lions roar after their prey and seek their meat from God."

A sheep who walks with the lamb of God has the strength to overcome predator's deception. They have the perfect shepherd to guide them all the days of their lives. A perfect shepherd who they learn to respect. They are no longer lost; they are no longer blind, nor sentenced to a devouring death. They have the power from the Lamb's grace.

A lion who walks with the lamb of God has the ability to save instead of slay. They may even learn to lead the sheep. They have the perfect lamb to guide them all the days of their lives. A perfect lamb they learn to love. One who they give His life first to protect them. They are no longer full of pride for their own abilities; they boast of His. They are no longer killers who fed off the weaker; they fed off the nourishment of the Holy Spirit. So, They protect others, different than them, as though they were their own. They have acquired humility from the Lamb's mercy.

Revelations 5:5, " Then one of the elder said to me, "Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals."

Jesus is both the lamb and lion. He first came as the Lamb of God. A gift to the people from a loving God. One who gave His own son to the slaughterhouse of cross. Jesus's second coming will be as the Lion of Judea. The authority that will call by name those who are in His Kingdom and save them for the final slaughter. As a lion, He one will judge the Earth by the Law of God. He is the King of kings who will right all the wrong and give proof of God's justness.

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