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F.I.M. (Faith in Motion) Footwear

Right foot, left

Left foot, right

Heel to toes

Toes to heel

One step, two steps

Hop than jump

Jump than hop

Jog than run

Run than jog

Go, my child...

When God calls you to go

Such motion takes prayer

It takes a strong sole of faith

A faith that is supplied through and maintained by the Holy Spirit.

Putting the body into motion takes more than just prayer and faith

It takes the right footwear for success

Galatians 5: 25, "If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit."

Each believer has a calling placed on his or her life. A purpose that is God-given and supported through a spiritual gifts given by the Holy Spirit.

Have you ever ask someone how they were capable of doing a task? forgiving?

Have you ever when awestruck by someone's blind faith and endurance?

Well, I believe it was because they had the right footwear.

The right footwear is not something that you can get at a store or even through the magic of a fairy godmother. This footwear is special and only comes through the Holy Spirit. These shoes are spiritual gifts. Every believer is to take up the F.I.M footwear that the Holy Spirit gives to him or her, so he or she can do the Will of God.

John 15:4 , "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in me."

Let's go in the Holy Spirit's shoe closet and examination the footwear and what gift each one provides the believer with .

  1. A pair of Holy Spirit Sneakers- (Hospitality) If anyone knows how to make anyone feel welcome it's the Holy Spirit. Sneakers of the Holy Spirit are a great gift to aid a servant of God. They are just the right footwear to accomplish the laboring tasks of Hospitality. These sneakers provide the wearer with the ability to build bridges and speak all the loves of language. They provide humanity with the giving and welcoming nature of God the Father. Those who wear them might be a great cook, restaurant hostess, maid, bus driver or even a receptionist at a medical office. However, they can also be you everyday people without a human services title. People who have a niche for making guests feel comfortable, giving gifts and time freely, and pay attention to what people want and need. They are naturally givers and usually a people person. Anyone can practice hospitality; yet, people with pair of Holy Spirit Sneakers stand out. They are special equipped and appointed by God for the task.

2. A pair of Holy Spirit Loafers- (leadership) The Lord is my shepherd. For these reason, The Holy Spirit is very capable of guide a group whether a few or thousands. He knows how to bring others together. A pair of Holy Spirit Loafers are shiny enough to get attention, smooth enough to pull people closer and are often accompanied by a suit of respect. People who wear Holy Spirit Loafers may be a preacher, a sought-after Bible Study leader, a run a ministry at a church, a business owner, politician, department head, coach, or oversee a charity organization. Most importantly, they are people who possess an ability to bring people together. They understand the mechanics of an operation or they have a niche for placing people in a position where their talent will shine the most. They inspire others to do more, think differently, or apply their talents to a job or service. Many people can be promoted to leadership position or even volunteer to lead a group, but people who are given Holy Spirit loafers stand out as people who are good communicators, well-respected, and trustworthy.

3. A pair of Holy Spirit Cowboy Boots- (discernment) The Holy Spirit is pure truth. He knows the different between what is of God and what is not. A pair of Cowboy Boots are made to keep the rider from slipping out of the stirrups. A pair of Holy Spirit boots give protection to the heart and the mind of the possess. They also allow the wearer to see what others do not. People who wear a pair of Holy Spirit Cowboy Boots can detect more clearly what is of God. They can sort through information that is of Biblical -based teaching and what is not. They are given a unique awareness of God's intentions and Will. Like a Wild West shoot out, they may even be able to walk twenty pace and be quick to the trigger before the devil has a chance to deceit. A person who wear Holy Spirit Cowboy Boots has great instincts, see the devil in the details and is quick to recognize false prophets. Their gift of seeing what other miss can help them to warn or inform others.

4. A pair of Holy Spirit Running shoes-(ability to prophesy) God have been there and see that. The Holy Spirit knows what is going to happen before it does and He knows what Bible verse is going to speak to each of us at the exact time when we need to read that verse. People who wear a pair of Holy Spirit Running shoes are meant to be messengers of God. They go ahead of the crowd to see, observe, and report on what they saw and observed. Most people have a walk of faith, but running shoes are given to those who mission to run the marathon of faith. They are ahead of their time like Noah knew there would be a flood and John knew that what the churches of the end of days would need to hear. They have an ear for God. A special connection. These running shoes help to see what is yet to be in order to warn the church, an individual or to help the wearer carry out a God-given mission. Believers are instructed to be watchmen; though, people who are given Holy Spirit running shoes are gifted with supernatural endurance, supernatural knowledge and have a way of saying what people need to hear in their journey of faith.

5. A pair of Holy Spirit Hiking boots- (special faith) The Holy Spirit is our link to God. He is the supplier of faith. Without the Holy Spirit, faith would be impossible for people to believe in what they cannot see or cannot prove. Mountains demand a person's all; climbing them takes a lot of energy. Special missions require a supernatural level of faith. A pair of Holy Spirit Hiking boots give their wearer supernatural high level of faith. People who wears these boots are equip with the ability to handle the rough, steep, uphill terrain mission God gives them to carry out. This might be to witness to a difficult person, raise a child with special needs, battle cancer, or provide aid in a war zone or dangerous atmosphere. Every believer is supposed to have faith; however, a people who is given Holy Spirit Hiking boots are able to retain a powerful dose of it.

6. A pair of Holy Sprit Platform Heels- (exhortation) The Holy Spirit has the ability to speak urgency, to persuade, and encourage. People who wear Holy Spirit Platform Heels may be teacher, recruiters, singers, writers, poets, activist or podcast hosts. They usually have a platform or may have a high social media following. They are great communicators, and have a niche for understanding how to use words effectively. These platform heels have a supernatural ability to get people's attention. The wearer of these heels change hearts, minds, and aide the Holy Spirit in leading souls back to God. Every believer, can encourage and speak the urgency of accepting Jesus as Lord and savior; yet, a person who wears platform heels has the Holy Spirit's power behind their words.

7. A pair of Holy Spirit Sandals- (empathy/mercy) God show us mercy where He gave Jesus to pay our sins' debt. Jesus's walk in flesh gave Him a deeper level of empathy for human suffering or at least a testimony of God's ability to empathize with our shortcoming. People who are given Holy Spirit Sandals have a supernatural level of empathy for others. They, also, can give mercy to others in circumstances where it may be difficult for most people to do so. (ex. loving your enemy) People who wear these sandals have open hearts. They feel more than the average person. They also are vulnerable to being hurt; however they are protected when they lean into the Holy Spirt. Believers are instructed to give mercy and be open to listening to others; yet, people who wear Holy Spirit sandals have a supernatural way of relating to others, comforting their pain and forgiving when and what no one else can.

8. A pair of Holy Spirit Flip Flops (healing) During Jesus's time on Earth, he was able to heal many people from death to disease to blindness. He was able because He had the power of the Holy Spirit. Flip flops can be very freeing. They go on easily and come off easily. People who are given Holy Spirit Flip Flops have a rare ability to bring restoration to people's lives. These people may be in the medical field like a physician or nurse. They, also, might be a psychologist, a therapist, a counselor, or a life coach. They might understand the human body or brain easier than others and know how to bring healing through medicine or counsel. However, the Holy Spirit is not limited to the laws of science, math or medicine, and there are times when the Holy Spirit uses a person with no or limited knowledge about biology the ability to heal a person from cancer, drug addiction or depression. Every believer is encourage to pray for others' healing; nonetheless, people who are given Holy Spirit Flip Flops have been ordained by the Holy Spirit to do what is considered impossible. That may be flipping a medical death sentence diagnosis to a life free from the cause. They may be for a moment or for a season.

9. A pair of Holy Spirit Combat Boots- (power to perform miracles) The parting of the Red Sea, Jesus walking on water, bringing Tabitha back from the dead, the two fish and five loaves of bread. The Bible is full of miracles where The Holy Spirit bent the laws of nature to bring glory to God. The Holy Spirit is still presence today. People who are given Holy Spirit Combat Boots are gifted with the ability to bend the laws of nature as well. These people are soldiers unlike any other. A member of God's special forces unit. They do what most people cannot. They may be a firefighter, police officer, member of the military, or a foster parent, or parent of a special need's child. But they are not limited to a title. They able to lift a car to save a person, running into a burning building without fire safety gear to save a child, or even cask out a demonic presence in a place or person. Miracles do not have to be a thing of the past, only of Biblical times, they can exist today because the Holy Spirit is still presence. He is able, he only need a willing vessel. But consider this, we are still in Biblical times, we are somewhere within Revelations (where I have no idea). I know we are because Jesus has not come back yet and that is at the end of Revelations. Thus, the Bible is still relevant. The Bible says that in the last days God will pour out his spirit. Let's not forget that Holy Spirit Combat Boots are a part of His battle plan. A plan to gather lost sheep and save them from an eternal fall.

10, A pair of Holy Spirit Galoshes- (wisdom) True wisdom is from God. It is not of this world. The Holy Spirit understands spiritual wisdom and wants to share that gift with God's children. It takes a special gift to give good spiritual wise advice. People who wear Holy Spirit Galoshes not only have a wide range of knowledge, they have the ability to apply that knowledge to a situation. These people may be problem solvers, peacemakers, judges, and advisors. Galoshes are made to keep the wearer feet dry and warm. Like so, people given Holy Spirit Galoshes are equipped to work through their emotions and discover sound judgment. They can also have a supernatural understanding of a subject or the Bible. Every believer should seek wisdom; yet, people who are given Holy Spirit Galoshes, have a special kind of wisdom that comes from God instead of through human study or learning.

11. A pair of Holy Spirit Stiletto- (speaking and interruption tongues) I must admit, in my search to explain and understand speaking in tongues and the interruption of, I found very little about. What I did find convinced me that this a controversial subject matter. Still, what I did find explain told me that speaking in tongues is a heavenly language where the speaker is speaking directly to God. Thus, it seems to me that a pair of Holy Spirit Stiletto is a gift of supernatural intimacy with God. People who have these shoes have unique encounters with God. Burning bush experiments like Moses, or encounters at a tree like Gideon or in a whale like Jonah. I believe, people who are given Holy Spirit Stiletto may encounter God in dreams or visions. Some may even possess the ability to interrupt dream or vision. They may have the knowledge, like Daniel, to gave insight into the encounter with God other have.

12. A pair of Holy Spirit Blue Suede Shoes- (Giving) God gives freely to His child. He gives his presence, protection, provisions, etc. The Holy Spirit understand the power of giving. People who are given Holy Spirit Blue Suede shoes give with it. It seems to glow from their essence. Like a skilled dancer, they are quick to guide others to fulfilling their dreams. They answer a call of need. They have big hearts and are genuine care about the state of other's happiness, health, and goals. They may be a life-long volunteer or a philanthropist. But whatever, They seem to enjoy giving their time, share their knowledge, volunteer without hesitation. There are a few people in a person's lifetime that give freely without expectation of something in return. Whether it is tithing or time in ministry, every believer is taught to give. Yet, people who wear Holy Spirit Blue Suede shoes, have a supernatural nature of giving their resources with others and God often blesses them with more than enough to share. These individuals are different than other who give to get. This spiritual gift give a pure heart that does not require a return on investment-like state of mind.

Disclaimer- if the shoe is too tight or too loose, it may not be the right shoe for you. These shoes are not available via custom order. They are custom made. In, you can want to have the gift of leadership, but God's will for you may be hospitality instead. We may want a certain pair, but those may never fit our feet because the Holy Spirit has given us the pair that will allow us to function in our role in the body of Christ. We may have one or more than one in our care at one time. That is up to the Holy Spirit and the Will of our Father. Additionally, there are season, situations, or moments in our lives where the Holy Spirit gives us a new pair of shoes and there are times when the Holy Spirit removes a pair of shoes from us. It is not for us to judge that. It is up to us to walk in the shoes that the Spirit gives to us. We also must remember not to doubt what God calls us to do. Where we are weak, God is strong. He gives us the footwear, so that we can walk in His Will.

1 Corinthians 12:4, "Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit."

Spiritual gifts are given to each of us so that we may use them to bring glory to God and carry out His Will. F.I.M is faith in motion. When we walk in Holy Spirit footwear, we are pulling our faith into motion. It is a living testimony. It is powerful and life changing for the sightseers.

Ephesians 4:7, "But to each of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ's gift."

We are to use the footwear the Holy Spirit gives us with to help others. F.I.M footwear is like yolk that help people to get through the Hell that tests and burdens them. These shoes help them from the binding pits of despair, enslaving of confusion, the chains of fears, the shackles of defeat and so many other forms of entrapment. God is a chain breaker. He proves this through His children's walk of faith. All you have to do is be willing to wear the footwear that His Spirit gives to you.

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Good thoughts on these gifts! Enjoyed the blue suede shoes :)

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