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Earbuds from His Rose Bushes

He loves me

He loves me...not

He love me!

He loves me...not!


God gave Jesus to the world to save souls, not condemn them. Jesus gave His life for everyone including those who persuaded him. When he arose, he offered the same to everyone who accepted Him.

Like a man looking for love on a popular TV show, Jesus gives a rose to show His affection. Unlike the man, He offers His rose to anyone who comes searching for the forever kind of love. Not that (love) of romantic nature, but that of oneness. That rose is rooted in God's love for us. Like the message of salvation in the Bible, each person still must accept that rose. Often, a believer can still get lost trying work for His affection. Like me, she picks a Bible verse out that assures her of God's love only to pick another one that causes her to doubt His love for her. Before she knows it, that rose has no more pedals and she cannot remember if she was on "He loves me" or "He loves me not.".

Words have power. Much like a key placed in a car's ignition, words empower people to begin a new journey. Words connect stories. Words transform a flame of shame into a fire of purpose. The Bible testifies to that.

Proverbs 16:24 " Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."

After all, God spoke light and darkness and life itself in existence. His voice even freed Lazarus out of death's grip. Trumpets and words helped Gideon and the 300 win a battle against thousands of trained soldiers. Trumpets and praise also brought down walls of Jericho.

God gasps the power of words. Maybe that is why he doesn't just give us a dozen roses to show HIs rose. He gives us access to HIs whole garden through a relationship with him. In His garden, there are millions of rose bushes. As we spiritual walk amongst on the path alongside His rose bushes, we see the colorful display of roses of the past. They tell of what God has done for us and guarantees that He will make good on His promises. We also notice new buds begin to bloom. These new buds hold a message for us. But first, they must teach us the power of open our own earbuds to listen to what God is trying to say. Then, we can hear the message that he has for us.

In the Bible, God spoke to Moses through a burning bush. So, He can speak to us through anything. His words have unlimited power and unlimited means. He uses common resources like worship music or sermon to speak into our situation. He can also use any song on the radio to feed our weary spirits, or a quote to assurance us of our purpose, or a friend's social media share to tell us that we are not alone or even the words of a stranger to guide us back His truth.

God gave me a love for words and a passion for music. For me, music is my rose bush. I spent much on my teenage life with headphones on my ears listening to music. Listening to music helps me to drown out harsh words and expectations peers gave to me or overcome self-doubts my own thoughts were speaking There were songs that felt like the artist knew my stories. The song's lyrics revived memories stored in my head. In my life, there has been many lyrics that served as bandages for my heart wound. A song's rhythm even had the power to pump my blood and moves my feet. There have been a handful of songs whose messages worm their way deep in my bones or even in my soul.

I must also say that there have been hymns at certain times in my life that cause me to shed tears in the middle of the worship service. There are songs that help me to keep my faith, other that make me feel like I can face any storm and go all in, and those that offer me a new perspective with a situation or with a difficult people.

You can say that music is the way I receive messages the easiest. But God, also wants me to open my ears to other source and I know He wants you to as well.

We must train our earbuds to listen for God-given messages. We must prune the rose bush by filtering out toxic messages. To prune correctly, we must study the Bible to know who He is. That way our earbuds are not tricked by false messages. Prayer is another training tool. Through the words, we speak love back to God's earbuds, we reflect on the fruits of our labor, and echo messages for protection for others and ourselves. Additionally, training involves nourishing our earbuds with truth of who God says we are and shielding our heart's roots from the acid rain of gossip and bullying given by others. That also means, we don't pick apart rose pedals to determine whether He loves us or if we are worthy of HIs love. It is also important to remember to soak up the sunlight of worship and praise for God. In doing so, we are also giving love back to God's earbuds.

I believe that earbuds ( words-God-given messages) are a value piece in the Armor of God. They can shield us from the twisted truth of the evil one. They can guard us from the poison fear spreads. They can help us slay the sword of gossiping giants.

Earbuds allow us to hear the messages that God gives us through rose bush-like resources. Faith can demand that we are blind to the logic and reasoning of our flesh's sight. With earbuds, it does matter if our faith makes us blind, we have the power to hear. In fact, it makes us stronger. For in the times our vision is foggy, we ca n trust God and follow the sounds of His voice. Listening opens doors. Doors can lead to new opportunities, new growth, or, new direction, or new friends. Doors can lead to room of healing, peace, or forgiveness. If we open our earbuds, we will blossom into the purpose we were created for.

Take up your earbuds, take up the Armor of God

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