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Biblical Eyewear

Have you gotten your eye checked recently?

Does the future seem blurry?

Is God's presence difficult to make out clearly?

Is focusing on His goodness becoming more challenging?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then, like me, you are overdue for a Biblical eye examination.

The Snellen Chart will not help in this type of exam. This eye examination is not about determining whether you are near sighted or far-sighted. Therefore, a slit lamp will not be part of this examination either. This exam is not searching for abnormalities in your eye that can lead to blindness. This is not about our physical vision, rather it is about our perspective.

So, for this examination we will be using the Bible. It contains all the tools we need to conduct a spiritual eye exam. .

Our exam starts with a Biblical eye chart

The first line reads:

2 Corinthians 5:7 "For we walk by faith, not by sight."

Faith is an important element in the health of our spiritual sight. Our tongues have the power of life and death. Our testimony speaks of God's love for us, moments of mercy to us and the events that lead to the Holy Spirit we invited to live within us. In other words, it is the condition of our spiritual sight that work as a root nourishing our tongues. For people rely on their sight to supply them with information about life. I believe, our deeds are often a stronger testimony to the lost in this world. Our deeds are a great narrative because they show and not just tell. Thus, it is important to remember that our walk of faith is meant to be walked in the physical world. This walk is put our faith on display for better or for worst. Yet, in that walk, our eyesight can cause us any problems. We loss focus on God's will. We judge other believers' walks. We find it difficult to keep believing the promises God have placed on our hearts. Our spiritual eyes are more valuable in our walk with Jesus than our physical eyesight will ever be. We must follow Jesus and put on our hope in Him to led us on.

Let's look at the second line in our eye chart. This read reads:

Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the assurance of what we hope for and the certainty of what we do not see."

The answer is Hope. Hope

Hope is important element in the health of our spiritual sight. Hope is the spark of a heart's fire. A fire that pumps our body into action. Hope motivates. Hope restores. Hope shows the way to get ups and sees the reason not to give up. Hope allows us to look beyond scientific proof that our physical senses need and see the possibility of God working in the impossible. Hope gives us something to live for as well as something to die for. It is a shelter from the thunderstorms of doubt. It is the dream growing while its possess eagerly await its birth. With a Hope-driven perspective, we can plow through the blizzard winds of fear, tackle the unknown, and fight through our weaknesses.

The third line on the chart is:

1 John 3:1 "See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are? The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him."

There is no doubt in my mind that love is the most important element in great spiritual sight. Love is not a feeling that comes and goes. It is shown in actions. It is given and received by choice, not by force or shame. It not meant to be given only to others who share our blood, ethnicity, beds, ideas, moral codes or background. Showing love to an enemy or a hater is the hardest thing to do. But when it is true and pure, its power is undeniable. Likewise, receiving love can be difficult especially for those who only know it through conditions and desires. True love is not a fairy tale, but a tale of unity that link us together. Love see beyond a multiple of sins. It brings us together even though our ideas are miles apart. It is a gift in a world that only wants to take. God is Love and through showing love, we show God.

The last line on the chart reads:

2 Corinthians 4:18 " So fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

People change, both in appearance and in character. Weather events can change the landscape by raising mountains, leveling structures or causing erosion. People and materials come in our lives and they leave our lives. As a believer, I know that this life is not meant to be forever. My body is only a temporary vessel that holds my eternal soul. It is important to remember that there are many things that are hidden in this life that our eyesight will never be able to see. God does not show us the big picture of His plans for the world or even for our lives. There is a big chance that we will never know the impact we make in this life, but there is no doubt in my mind that everyone makes an impact. Whether the impact is considered small to the human mind or large in the social media world, it is just as important to God. For it is God's approval that we must fix our eyes on, not the people we encounter.

How did you do? Ace the test?

Yeah, me neither.

So, you and I need glasses to see correctly.

Don't swear it, we all do.

Now, we move to the second part of the examination.

It's time for the Biblical Tonometer. Let's look through a few lenses to see what prescription we need.

The first lens is:

Philippians 4:8 " Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. "

True or honest- seeing what is really happening is important. It does no one any good to get buried in the rumors spoken by others. We do not have to label something false because it seems too harsh to accept. Honesty is the best policy even when it is not easy to say or hear; however, the delivery is the key. Honesty is to be given in love and receive like so. Additionally, we should not avoid seeing evil, nor should we become overwhelmed by it. We need to place our energy on letting more light into our eyes because that light will overcome the darkness that we see.

Just or pure. We must search for the evidence that God's hands are still at work in the world while we forgive those who wrong us and commit acts against God. It is easy to remember that God is love; yet, it can be hard to understand that he is also just. God hates people who look down on other, liars, the killing of those who cannot defend themselves, the plotting of evil, revenge, and a false witness. I do not know about you, but I am guilty of at the least a couple of these. That is why necessary to give forgiveness and not just ask for it. We can still seek justice and see with a pure heart. We know that God says vengeance is mine and we still wait for him to show us and trust him to defend us.

Lovely or good report and praise

It is good to see see life as a lovely life no matter what is going on. We don't need a good report to know that life is lovely. I believe that there is always something to be thankful for. Something to praise God for. Even if that is another sunrise to gaze upon whether that brings a life changing opportunity or not. I am amazed when I see a poor villager smiling and praising God. To my eyes, it looks like they have nothing, but through spiritual eyes, they have more than I do. They have more because they have no other choice than to trust on God's provision. On the other hand, I can easily get lost thinking that I have control of my future.

The next lens is:

Psalm 141:8

"But my eyes are toward you, O God, my Lord; in you I seek refuge; leave me not defenseless."

This lens is especially important. It helps us focus on our true source of resources. God is known by several name. We can focus on Elohim when we are going through a battle because it means mighty, strong one. We can focus on El Roi when we are being treated unfairly because it means the God who sees. When we are enduring a season without, we can focus on El-Shaddai because God is enough for the needs of HIs people. When we are going through a time of anxiety, we can see Jehovah-Shalom because He is the Lord of peace. Even when our health is failing us, we can gaze upon Jehovah Raphe because He is our healer. No matter what we are facing, God has a sword or a shield for it.

The next lens is:

Isaiah 42:16

'And I will lead the blind in a way that they do not know, in paths that they have not known I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I do, and I do not forsake them."

If you feel like you are in the dark or in a season where you are stuck in the dark when this lens is for you. Like night-vision goggles, the Bible serves as a lamp onto our feet, a light that shine shows a path to a stable foundation, and a map that lead us to or back to God when we get lost. Being in the dark can causes anxiety, depression and other extremely danger doses of emotions. Unlevel ground makes it more likely a person will fall. God wants us to show us the beauty of faith, whether the faith is reward with proof down the road or it goes unseen. He wants to protect us against evil plots and make our path easier, but we must let him lead and we need to keep our focus on him. Things and people are not as that appear to be to the naked eye.

The last lens is difficult to wear, (especially for me)

Samuel 16:7

"But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart."

I cannot tell you how many times that I have prayed, 'God help me to see (blank) the way you do.' It is so difficult to see past the hell-bent hearted people that makes it difficult to live with or work with. One of my biggest challenges is loving people who insult or mock me. I also find it difficult to fight angry when a group or a person advocate for the killing of innocence life or when people are persecuted for their briefs. I pray twice as hard in those moments. Also, I pray at least two prays a daily to remain positive when I encounter people in my life that spend so much time complaining and gossiping about others. I know God see them in a different light. He may see envy, haughty eyes, or lies; however, he also sees pain, insecurity, self-hate, loneliness, and regret.

The more I think about it, the more I am thankful that God does not see us the way others do. Yet, I also feel very exposed. I know that my heart is not always beating to a God-focus drum and there are several times where my heart syncs with the desires of my flesh. That is why it is always good to be humble and kind to others. Easy to say; hard to follow through with. I know but the point is to keep trying and pray that God gives you But above all, I hope you remember that there is only one we should care opinion is God's.

Thankful he corrects our behaviors with love, grace, and mercy. I am so grateful that He gives us free access to His lens, so we can see with his eyes.

Now, our eye examination is complete. I hope you know that your journey is not meant to be walked alone. You have a God who loves you enough to equip you with the right tools. In this case, it is Biblical eyewear. So, keep your focus on God and His promises. Things and people are not as that appear to be to the naked eye. God's lens will guide you in a storm, prepare you for your next battle, and allow you to see the hearts of those you meet. Biblical eyewear is an essential part of the armor of God. A piece that I hope you see is essential to a successful walk in faith.

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