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  • JAG

Autoimmune Society

The body is made up of many systems.

They communicate with each other

Those systems work together to keep the body healthy

If communicate is not given, received, or clear, the systems will not function properly.

If one is imbalanced, the body suffer

Societies are no different.

They are made up of many different people and cultures

If everyone communicate effectively and everyone feels heard, the society remains strong

If everyone does their part within the society, the society will thrive

If there is great discord, people become defensive

Without repair, there is division within the society

People align themselves with other who share common views and cultures

And hate on others who discredit them

With a formula of hate, division and blame, a society becomes diseased.

It becomes like a body autoimmune response.

In the chaos of defending itself, it develops a toxic response.

It attacks its healthy parts without realizing it

It misses the opportunities to repair, its broken ones

It will see parts of itself as the enemy

Destroying itself from within.

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