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A Mordecai State of Mind

Boom! A target is struck like a bolt of lightning.

Boomerangs have been used for many years for hunting. Understanding the elements in the way that utilizing the environment perfectly, allows the caster to release a boomerang at top high speed and accuracy. This ensures a target was little or no time to react. Yet, a simple alteration in boomerang's trajectory can change the outcome completely.

What goes around, comes back around- Boomerang

When I think of boomerang, I think of an object that is released with the expectation of being returned as though it never left.

There are examples of Boomerang moments in the Bible- but my favorite ones are found in the book of Esther.

It begin with a woman of great character before the boomerangs were even released . Her kindness made her well-liked throughout the kingdom. She gained the attention of King Xerxes with her beauty. Most importantly, however, she gained his favor by showing him unconditional respect. 1 Peter 2:17, "Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the {King]." She understood the power of that verse, not only with honoring the king, but my showing her uncle respect by following his instructions. This led to her being crowned King Xerxes's Queen.

Ecclesiastes 3:7 "...There is a time to be silent... "

Mordecai apply the first element to this verse's wisdom when he instructed Esther not to speak of her background and being a Jew. Even if she did not understand his reasons, she submitted to him without questioning and this led her to a seat of great influence.

When the first boomerang was cast, Mordecai was a palace officer. He was in a position to overhear of a plot to kill King Xerxes and he took proper action to warn the King.

That boomerang struck its plot casters in the form of gallows. Mordecai's loyalty was proven to King Xerxes and was a key element God would use to help him later.

Above all, Mordecai was faithful to God. He refused to entertain Haman's hunger for power and authority by bowing to him. Haman's hunger turned to rage when he discovered Mordecai was a Jew. Haman began to carve out a boomerang of his own against the whole Jewish people in the form of a decree. This boomerang was no surprise to God. He begin to move through the elements to keep Haman's targets safe. He had a plan to, once again, protect His people.

Mordecai discovered the plot and went out of the Kingdom dressed in mourning. The news of his got back to Esther. At that moment, Mordecai's passed the knowledge of the second half of Ecclesiastes 3:7 to Esther "...and a time to speak...'

"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this? Esther 4:14

That was the moment when the servant of silent transformed into God's chosen warrior.

Esther was once again obedient, but this time it meant she had to risk her life to stop the boomerang from striking its target. She entered the King's court and approached his throne, if he released his scepter she was dead. She was never alone God was with her. King Xerxes held it out the scepter and she was invited to speak. God empowered her not only with the courage to approach the king, He gave her wisdom in a plan that reveal Haman's plot against the Jews at just the right moment.

Yet, God did not stop with Esther. He worked within the king's sleeping quarters. That night, as Haman set up the gallows for Mordecai, God kept King Xerxes awake. With a bad case of insomnia, God gave the King a desire to review the Kingdom historical record. Among those records was the account of the time Mordecai prevented a plot to kill King Xerxes. When it came to the King's attention that Mordecai had not been honored for it the King to right that wrong.

God in his perfect timing used Haman. Haman was standing outside the King's chambers when the king ordered him in. Haman was there to ask the King permission to hang Mordecai. Instead God used Haman tell King Xerxes how to honor Mordecai (without knowing that the King was talking about Mordecai). God did not stop there, the king ordered Haman carry out to his own plan and honor Mordecai with it. Talk about a boomerang! Haman was humiliated.

That was not the only boomerang that Haman had cast out. At the banquet that Esther had to honor the King and Haman, she revealed Haman's plot to the king. That boomerang came back to Haman in the form of the gallows he had set up for Mordecai.

Thus, Genesis 50:20 goes on to alive another day, "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today."

Haman intended to kill all the Jews because Mordecai would not bow to him and honor him like a god. However, God took Esther's position of favor and Mordecai's faithfulness and saved all His children. Evil DID NOT win!!

It is wise for believers to be aware that all boomerangs come from a land down under.

They come from the devil, even though they appear to come from other people in this world. Such mirages are some of Satan's best illusions. At best, people are vessels the devil uses to cast his vengeance against God's children. We, as followers of Jesus Christ, are wise to remember that we, too, can be used by the devil to cast vengeance against our brothers and sisters. Sadly, this source of vengeance also applies to keeping unbelievers out of the salvation of Jesus Christ.

So, I hope when you feel a boomerang in the wind before you that you cry out to God in prayer while you look to scripture for example of his past record.

In the world today, there are many boomerangs targeting God's people. But we need to remember who God is and our power through Him.

Isaiah 54:17, "No weapon formed against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindications from me, declares the Lord."

Romans 8:36-39, "As it is written: For your sake we face death all day long.; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered. No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loves us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

For God has proven many times over that He is the navigator of all elements. He can change the wind and shift power and influence in the blink of an eye, he can ignite a wildfire of passion that takes the weak and make them strong to surprise even the smartest of us all, and he can shield a heart's seeds from the stealing funnels of a cyclone that arose without warning. For there is nothing our God cannot do.

I think that is why God instruct us to be still and know he is God.

Exodus, "The Lord will fight for you and you have only be silent."

It is a gift to keep a Mordecai in our mind when the world around us seems to be falling into the devil's hands. He was wise, loyal and understood the power of Esther's influence. In these times, we must hold on to faith in a father who has given us mercy and desires for the whole world to accept His Grace. We, also, must remember that he is for us and a just God who avenges his children. While He has the power to change many situations, He might not act at the moment we want him to. Through our lack of understanding, we must believe He is working something out for good whether it is for us or the salvation of a stranger around us. Trusting God, when darkness is amongst us, is the most powerful tool we have. For unconditional trust produces unconditional faith and that is the key to moving the heart of God.

Like Esther, let us show unconditional respect to leaders whether they are for us or against us. For you never know, if they will give you a position where you will have the ear of the one whose influence is needed to protect our sisters and brothers.

So, we need to be aware of seeking feeding our anger with such matters. Even when we feel righteous justify in doing so. In all honestly, this blog has me staring in the mirror. I have been guilty of falling for the boomerang trick so many times, but I am writing this I hope to change the way I see the boomerang flying in my direction and I hope to resist the cycle to keep them going.

It is a difficult task, not only to give Jesus the wheel over our path, but to let God deal with the devil's puppets of backstabbers and predators who seek to harm us and the ones we love. This is quite the task for me, personally. For I have a warrior's spirit and I often want to fight back. But God, I must remember that He is-God. He is my savior, protector and provider. He sees the WHOLE picture; I do not. I must stop to listen and see what He is wanting to do. He may be calling us to stand up so we see it coming, to stand still so the boomerang fly past us and goes back to the one who cast it or God may be calling us to get out of the way and let Him do His job.

The Mordecai state of mind is not all about being silent. It is the wisdom to know when to be silent and when to speak. It is educating those in our care about the power of respect. It is about applying the element of respect to authority because you are aware of the power within that. It is about empowering those around us who hold the power of influence to act when action is needed to perverse life.

So, whether you are called to work from behind a computer or called to walk in faith in to areas of domestic or foreign, God has your back. So, my sister or brother, let's maintain a Mordecai state of mind.

Take heart, God, in his perfect timing, will justify the wrongs in this world.

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