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A Letter Concerning The Wish Weaver

To Whom it May Concern,

Tell me your greatest desire?- That was the first question he would ask when a new client came to see him.

He has a fondness for green and gold. It shows in his wardrobe. He wears expensive hand-crafted green suits in different textures, with green silk or satin shirts and a matching tie or bowtie around his chiseled neck adorn in gold chains. His head has wore many hats that top off his ensemble. His shoes are like those of kings-Italian leather or embellished with pure gold. He is tall, dark, and handsome. But his eyes, his eyes sparkle like diamonds. He looks like money, speaks like money, and smells like it too.

His looks may be the bait that lures clients in, but his reeling skills retains them. He words are like butter and he speaks with an Australian accent. People assume he is native to the country. They have reason to believe that. He has been quoted as saying I come from "the land down under." What else can he means, right?

Mr. Australia is known as The Wish Weaver. No one knows his real name and most really do not cared. He swears he can stitch up anything a heart could desire, and his reputation agrees. He is said to be the most desired designer in the world. But do not take my word for it, just look in a popular magazine and you will see it. His best work has been featured on the cover of Dúil Magazine for years.

Last March, the magazine featured Mr. and Mrs. Royal. The Royals were two of a kind. They both were intelligent and good-looking people with emerald eyes and ruby lips. Their greatest desire was a legacy of success. The Wish Weaver was happy to oblige them. He sketched up a pair of costumes fit for a King and Queen. After taking their measurement, he brought the drawing alive with his crafty hands and tools. The couple was pleasured with his work and signed a payment contract without reading the small print. Over the next, two years the couple keeping raising the stakes in their game. They return often to The Wish Weaver's Southside Boutique. for alternations and additions to their costumes. With the extra work, more pages were added to their contract with The Wish Weaver. But that was overlooked by the Royals.

They were all-in and on a winning streak. Mr. Royal had become a billionaire within those two years. He ran an entertainment empire with his own record and production companies. Mrs. Royal become a multi-billionaire in less than two years. She was running an empire of including a popular makeup brand, shoes, handbags and clothing. They were going to run the world.

Mr. and Mrs. Magic amazed the cover of April. They had visited The Wish Weaver and express their desire to be clever and witty. The Wish Weaver sized them up and decide on a magician suit for Mr. Magic and a matching assistant attire for Mrs. Magic. At first, Mr. Magic laugh The Wish Weaver until Mrs. Magic displayed the offensiveness of her costume. The Wish Weaver somehow talked them into trying them on before they stormed out. In front of his mirror, they both refused to take them off and sign the payment contract right away. Mr. and Mrs. Magic started up a law firm. Within a few years, they were representing high-profile clients on the stage of many courtroom. At the time of their magazine cover debut, Mr. Magic had charmed his way into the position of mayor of a large city and was in the process of campaigning for governor of the state. Mrs. Magic was the most sought-after defense lawyer in the area. She had never lost a case. She was cute as a bunny and as cunning as a fox. Evidence practically disappeared against her clients right before the prosecutor’s eyes.

Mr. and Mrs. Smile were the life of the party when they landed the May’s cover. They had visited The Wish Weaver craving happiness. He told them that he was up to the challenge for such a task that require a pair of costumes with many fabric, components, and details. They agree to give him the time and he was good to complete the task. When the couple tried on their costumes they were not considered, but The Wish Weaver told them that he was done yet. He gave them rainbow-colored wigs and shoes too big for their feet. Yet, the mirror refused to produce smiles on their faces. The Wish Weaver told them not to worry. He called in a makeup artist who made their smiles come alive. They quickly signed the payment contact. Mr. Smile become a popular motivational speaker and author of two best-selling books. Mrs. Smile got a spot at a comedy club and quickly rose to fame. She was hired by an agency and went on tour. She landed a job on a sitcom Mrs. Smile had been a guest on many TV shows and was starring in her first movie at the time of their magazine cover appearance.

Mr. and Miss. West lasso the June cover. Seeking adventure, they had gone to see The Wish Weaver. He drew a cowboy and a cowgirl and roped them in with a mirror presentation of the finished costumes. For him, The Wish Weaver dressed him in a pair of top cotton blue jeans and brown chaps, a silver-plated belt buckle and white T-shirt. Then, completed his outfit with brown genuine leather boots and a matching Ridge top cowboy hat. For her, he gave her a soft black and white flannel shirt with a pair of stone-washed form-fitting denim jeans that highlighted her curves. A black leather Cutter cowgirl hat and boots with encrusted diamonds complemented her costume. The Wish Weaver also included wrote horsepower in the payment contract per Mr. West request. They soon became overnight internet stars when they published a video of their spontaneous fun while they visit landmarks. They had two million followers with a few weeks. They were going places. Miss West entertaining presentation and attractiveness landed her a job working for top travel agency and promoting several tour-based companies. While Mr. West risk-taking personality got the attention of a sporting company who hired him as their spokesman. He also became a sport extremist and continued to make videos of his stunts.

Mr. Navy and Miss Army were quite the talk when they made the cover of the July addition. When they visited The Wish Weaver, they were known as Mr. Citizen and Miss. Citizen. They both express a strong desire for respect. The Wish Weaver created a seaman recruit uniform for him. He proudly wore that uniform and become a dedicated sailor. Mr. Navy rose swiftly through the ranks. Within six years of service, he was a captain of a warship. Two years later, His crew was responsible for stopping an enemy's surprise attack. He helped save the life of many of the men on his ship. Days before the photo shoot, he had just received the Navy's highest honor-the Navy Cross. Miss. Citizen was given a camo uniform, ranked as a private in the army, and renamed Miss Army after signing her payment contract. She was just as determined as Mr. Navy to rise through the ranks. She became a first sergeant within the minimum time of six years. She received a distinguished service cross, and a medal of honor for her heroic actions while on duty. She was invited to join the Marines a year later. At the time of the photo shoot, Miss. Army had been chosen for a special, off the record, ops team.

For Dúil's August cover, Mr. Waves and Miss. Sea were selected. They had come to see The Wish Weaver after many other unsuccessful designers fail to meet their expectations. All they wanted was to find peace. It should have been that difficult, right? They expressed their frustration to the weaver, but he assured them that he was the best and only used the finest materials. His empathic tone convinced them to try his costumes on- a merman for him and a mermaid for her. Mr. Waves quite his demanding job, sold his expensive downtown apartment, bought a small house just outside a small town, and begin to pursue his dream of becoming a writer. A year later, a book agent agreed to market his book. Six month later, his book was a best-selling and he was working on his second. Mr. Waves swimming in an ocean of wealth with five best-selling books and a new released that promised the same popularity, ten year later. Writing was never work for Mr. Waves, it was his passion and he found comfort in it. Still, he had decided to purchase a beach house on a small tropical island and take a couple year of peace and quiet the day after Miss. Sea and his photo shoot cover was published. As for Miss Sea, she quit her job as an English professor and uses the money from her inheritance to purchase a small bookstore in a small oceanside town that her family used to attend. After she moved in and remodeled the store, the townspeople said tourism rose seventy-five percent. People would come to her story so their children could hear her read a story and some would stay a month to attend one of her book clubs.

Mr. Health and Miss. Remedy spotlighted the cover of the September cover. They had come to see The Wish Weaver searching for acceptance. The Wish Weaver produced a doctor's uniform for him and a nurse's uniform for her. Miss. Remedy felt uncomfortable in her tight costume, but Mr. Health approval had her signing the payment contract without another doubt. Mr. Health, blushing, signed the payment contract without even looking at the papers. Miss Remedy was cast in a small role just days after. That small role turned into a bigger role soon after a big time Hollywood director saw her in the film. Soon, she was an A-list celebrity. Miss Remedy was nursing movie attendee's craving for entertainment. Fans said she had a way making her audience feel care for. In his doctor's uniform, Mr. Health got the confident to audition for a small singing competition that he won. His win gave him the confident to enter a large singing competition that was televised. An intern that worked for a music producer saw him sing and then showed it to his boss and that was how Mr. Health had a recording contract and become a big star. His fans said that he made him feel like someone understood them and his voice healed their wounds.

Mr. Guardian and Miss. Defender protected the popularity of Dúil October magazine by answering the call to be on the cover. They went to see The Wish Weaver searching for justice. Mr. Guardian's best friend's parents‘ murders were still unsolved. Ms. Guardian's brother died at the hands of her abusive father. The Wish Weaver created superhero costumes. Feeling equip to right the wrongs, they signed the payment contracts. Mr. Guardian become a police officer. He was very good at his job. He was promoted to detective in four years and solved many cases. Ms. Guardian became a social worker helping mothers and children find safety and start over.

Dúil's November cover featured an appetizing choice- Mr. Elixir and Miss Gourmet. Year before that, they had gone to see The Wish Weaver searching for fulfillment. The Wish Weaver was happy to quench their hungers He served both chef uniforms and they were happy to sign the payment check. Mr. Elixir open his own sport bar. Within month, his bar was pack. He expanded his sport bar with a new, large location the next year and branch out within six months. By the time of the cover, he had six locations. Miss Gourmet opened a coffee and chocolate shop. She served only premier coffee. Customer returned daily to satisfy their craving for another cup. Miss Gourmet created sugary treats that make customers consume them by the dozen.

Mr. an Mrs. Krinkle made an appearance on the cover of the December cover. They sought The Wish Weaver after trying many other resources fail to deliver hope to them. He stitched them up Santa and Mrs. Claus costumes. Their eyes twinkled with joy as they signed the payment contract. Mr. Krinkle become a famous children psychologist who was able to help many children process their emotions and heal from visible and invisible wounds. Mrs. Krinkle become a teacher. Many parents loved her for making their children love to learn. She had a special way of making learning fun and stick with each child she taught. She won many awards including The State's Best Teacher of the Year Award two years in a row. The presenter said that she gave hope to the future generations.

Mr. and Miss. Snow made the New Year's cover with a magical winter wonderland backdrop. They went to The Wish Weaver trying to regain faith in themselves, others, life itself and perhaps a higher power. The Wish Weaver gathered as many white-colored textures as he could and weaved together a piece of angel costumes for them. They were more than willing to sign the payment contract, sight unseen. They believed they were clothed in the right amount of faith to discover their purpose. Mr. Snow transformed from a no-name reporter into the top news anchor for a major media company. Viewer said that he had voice that they could trust. Mrs. Snow went from being the voice of an average-rated podcast to the host of her own talk show with a packed audience and millions more of online and television viewers. Many fans said that admired her openness and faith. Many said that she inspired them to have faith in themselves.

Last February's cover highlighted Mr. and Mrs. Greek. Both knew The Wish Weaver well. Several years ago, when Mr. Greek was a young lad, he went to The Wish Weaver desiring superior physical ability The Wish Weaver dressed him in a warrior costume. Mr. Greek become a professional basketball player who dominated the arena. Many of his fans worshiped him. At the time of this second visit to The Wish Weaver, Mr. Greek had won five champions and was labeled the G.O.A.T of the NBA. As a determined thirteen-year-old, Mrs. Greek’s mom took her to The Wish Weaver. Her mother wanted him to create a costume for her daughter that would wow the judge of the horse-riding competition Miss. Greek was about to enter. He gave her the top-of-the-line jockey costume with curly hair extensions and the makeup worthy of a beauty queen. She won the competition and many others before she was hired to be a model. At the time of her second visit, she was a world-famous supermodel, who said the only thing that was missing from her life was love. They both had separate fitting in Toga costume, after they signed their second payment contracts, The Wish Weaver arranged for the god and goddess to cross paths. It was not very long before they fell in love and begin to build their life together on Mount Olympus. They appeared on many magazine covers, but fans' favorite was their

Dúil cover. It was taken from their wedding.

"Why do you not have a where are they now article regarding the formal cover stars?"- that was the question that Dúil's editors received from many curious readers.

After months of dodging the question, the chief editor carefully replied in the letter from the editor section of the magazine, "Here at Dúil Magazine we are focused on the future. We do not take the time to look back at the past for we are too busy moving forward in pursue of success."

I will, however, know what happen to these clients of his. It is very important that you know the truth about The Wish Weaver. He isn't who he appears to be. You see, the only thing The Wish Weaver is faithful to, is his payment contract. He knows most people don't take the time to read the fine print. He knows magazine readers get bored with the same old same old and he knows that there is always someone who will seek desire and they too will be more than willing to sign a payment contract.

The Wish Weaver is quite the trickster. All it takes is one small detail in that contract for his clients for him to use their desire against them. It is not fair, not in the least. But that how he works. He knows how to use the costume in his private closet to hurt others who wear one of their own.

Take Mr. and Mrs. Royal, for example. Their desire for success quickly become a desire for more and more. For them, The Wish Weaver wore a joker's costume and challenge them to a poker game. They went all-in with a good hand, but that joker had a royal flush. They lost everything. After, they sought out The Wish Weaver; yeyt, he refused to see them. Instead, he sent them a mirror with the word "greed" written on the back. In the mirror, they saw themselves dressed in peasant costumes. They tried to remove the costume, but they could not get free of the dirt all around and regain their crowns.

Mr. and Mrs. Magic went from stage to cage. Their desire to be clever and witty led them to be very deceitful. The Wish Weaver got his best magician costume out, drew an audience and revealed their tricks including all the evidence that they made disappear. After their exposure, they called for The Wish Weaver. Just like the Royals, he refused to see them. Instead, he sent them a mirror with the word "liars" written on the back. In the mirror, they saw themselves in orange jumpsuits. They tried to remove the new costumes, they, too, could not escape the cage that imprisoned them.

Mr. and Mrs. Smile desire to for happiness exhausted them and they had to apply more and more makeup to maintain their painted smiles. They quick tripped in potholes of sorrow. The Wish Weaver use two costumes to get them to fall. First, he came to one of their party dressed as a boogieman, not the nightmare monster, but a skilled dancer (think Saturday night live) As the boogieman, he popped their balloons and stole the show. Then, his move set the party on fire. Chaos’ tune played. While the Smiles attempted to put out the fire, The Wish Weaver maneuvered into a firefighter's costume. Of course, the firefighter washed the smiles right out their faces. Leaving their whole act in ashes. His book was canceled, and his movie role was cut as social media labeled them frauds. They tired calling The Wish Weaver who did not answer, and they had to leave a message. The Wish Weaver replied with a gift in the mail- a mirror. They both look in the mirror, but when they saw tears and a frown, the mirror went dark. They struggled to see a reflection, unsuccessfully. They could not escape the deep, dark pit of depression and return to the party of possibilities.

Mr. and Miss West went from the Wild West to Twenty-Pace at high noon. They become wrapped up in all the fun and sought dangerous ways to increase their adrenaline. The Wish Weaver dressed as a bandit. He knocked Mr. West right off his high horse with a surfing head injury, but Mr. West got right back up ignoring the doctor's recommendation to take six weeks off to heal. He crashed on a bike and broke his legs and injury a few vertebras on his back. He had no choice but to take some time off. The bandit took the opportunity to post some videos of a new talent and soon the sporting good company moved on. The bandit hacked Miss West's vlog post and posted a few videos of her being rude to hotel clerks and waiters, but the most damaging video of her was the one of her and the married travel agency's CEO have an inappropriate relationship. She was fired by the CEO's soon-to-be ex-wife right away. The Wish Weaver sent them a mirror, yet they never used. Instead, they swore that they were entitled to have an audience and were happy to have a shoot out with anyone who challenged that. Perhaps, the back of the mirror would explain- it read pride.

As for Mr. Navy and Miss Army. Their stories weight heavy on my heart. The costume The Wish Weaver choose was that of a ghost. However, it was more of a bacterium that separate into an injection. Mr. Navy was at sea in a storm when we got a distress call from another Navy vessel. Their captain, a friend, had been serious injured as they fought the storm and their ship was taking on too much water. Mr. Navy went against orders from the pentagon to stand down. Yet, his crew was willing to face the storm with him, so he went to try to save them. Many members of his crew died, Mr. Navy was serious injured, and the other navy vessel sunk before he even got close. Most of the crew members who survived turn on Mr. Navy saying that they recommended not to go to save their own careers. Mr. Navy received a dishonorable discharge from the Navy, lost usable of his legs, and was stripped of all his achievement awards as he awaited a trial for multiple counts of manslaughter. He is now unable to salute the flag. Miss Army was on a mission that came directly from the White House when her team was ambushed. As the lead sniper, she was able to escape with only minor injuries, but everyone else was killed. Worst of all, she was accused on going rouge and killing them. Hunted by her own government, she abandoned the idea of returning home and went into survival mode underground using her skills a professional killer and learn to speak in other languages. Some say she had plastic surgery to change her appearance. The Wish Weaver sent Mr. Navy and Miss Army each a mirror, however they flew it away without even looking at it. Both read, "contempt".

Mr. Waves and Miss. Sea lived in peace for many years. Maybe too long because they became obsessed with it. After a while, Mr. Waves decided to write again. He took almost three year to write that novel. When he was done, he was quite pleased with the manuscript, but struggled to find the energy to send it in. The Wish Weaver transformed in a pirate who stole the manuscript and gave it to an up-and-coming new author who Mr. Wave's agent marketed the book knowing the truth. Mr. Waves did nothing to fight it. In fact, he did not seem to mind at all. He lost his will to work at all. Lost his beach house and become a beach bum. Then, the pirate wrecked Miss Sea's bookstore, sold merchandise and burned it to the ground. She found herself happy that she would no longer have to read books to others or maintain the store. She took the insurance money and move in with her sister without a plan to work again. The mirror that The Wish Weaver sent them showed the mermaid and merman wrapped in seaweed that was so tight that they could move their legs. The back of the mirror read "sloth".

Mr. Health’s and Miss Remedy’s simple desire to be admired grew. They wanted to be the best and studied the competition. These clients also loved being the center of attention, so he photographed another people around them instead. He also captured some unflattering photos of them and supplied critics with information for their gossip websites. After a little time, Mr. Health's singing career lost its heartbeat and Miss Remedy fought herself a real patient instead of playing one. The mirrors The Wish Weaver sent reveal to Mr. Health the image of a cadaver in a morgue and Miss. Remedy saw herself in a straight-jacket and the spotlight on someone new. On the back of both mirrors said "envy".

Mr. Guardian and Miss. Defender never forgot about the reason why they wore capes. Mr. Guardian was responsible for solving many cases and brought many criminals to justice; however, his best friend’s parents’ murder went free. Mr. Guardian was determined to prove that a wealthy businessman was responsible for their murders. Several years went by without the evidence he needed to arrest the man. He promised his friend that he would never give up. His friend patiently waited until Mr. Guardian had to inform his friend that his captain demanded that he stop pursuing the businessman. Apparently, the man’s lawyers had threatened the department and city with lawsuits if they did not. His friend was angry and was determined to get the evidence himself. He turned up dead in an alley shortly after. The man was brought in for question, but quickly cleared with an alibi; The Wish Weaver got his villain costume on and injected his venom into Mr. Guardian. It worked like kryptonite for the superhero. Mr. Guardian left his badge on his desk, loaded his gun, and took justice into his own hands. Next, the villain went after Miss. Defender. She was not able to save every woman or child. She saw her brother in many of these little boys, so went the courts did not help or the abuse took a turn for the worst, it haunted Miss. Defender. One night after drinking too much, Miss Defender went to the home of an abusive father and show him what it is like to be on the other side of the fist. On her way back home, the rage grew inside of her and her foot pushed hard on the gas until she blacked out. She didn’t make go home; she went to the hospital instead with serious injuries. She had driven in the other lane and crashed head-on into a family’s car. She recovered, two passengers in the other car did not make it. The two superheroes received mirrors as a gift from The Wish Weaver. On the back on the mirror was the word “wrath”. When they saw the villain of their past staring back at them, they clenched their fist and broke the mirror. It was too difficult for them to accept their capes had become twisted into chains.

Mr. Elixir and Miss. Gourmet quest for fulfillment eventually took physical form. They begin to consume more to full the bottomless bowl of emptiness they felt. The Wish Weaver’s costumes were flexible with these two. He would show up as a customer from time to time encourage them to keep on. Sometimes, he would play along with them to cheer their unhealthy habits on. Other times, he would play the role of a prey who sunk his claws into the bowl and made the emptiness deeper. Every time he was successful. Mr. Elixir become one of his best customers before turning to illegal drugs with the help of a drug dealing customer. Miss Gourmet medical chart become thicker every year. Soon, she had to hire an extra person just to cover the days she had doctor’s appointments. When she had to hire another because her health conditions made it difficult for her to even stand. She begins to consume prescription just to stay alive. Mr. Elixir as well as Miss Gourmet reached out to The Wish Weaver for help. He, however, denied meeting with them. Instead, he sent them a mirror. It turned out to be useless. They did not even recognize themselves nor did they understand why the back of the mirror said gluttony. Without the proper help, they continued tabling their emotions and threw their future in the toilet.

The Krinkles story is a sad story and one of the main reasons why I am writing this. You see, The Wish Weaver does not always use his clients’ mistakes to destroy them. They are several times when he created a façade and feeds upon a broken and unforgiving atmosphere. The Krinkles were good people who did a lot of good for others in their costumes. In the Krinkle’s case, The Wish Weaver removed an elf from his top shelf and dusted it off. The elf told a story about Mr. Krinkle making him feel uncomfortable with his request like wanting him to set in his lap instead of the chair, other kids came forward as well. Mr. Krinkle was fired from his job without a chance to defend himself. Many parents of children were concerned about Mrs. Krinkle teaching their kids, so the school board told Mrs. Krinkle she could divorce Mr. Krinkle or resign. She chose her husband and I am proud of her. The elf continued to spread rumors about Mr. Krinkle until the investigation clear him of all charges. But it was too late, The Krinkles were on the town’s naughty list. They received thousand of pieces of hate mail, threaten and their home was vandalized. In The Wish Weaver’s unwelcomed mirror, they got lost in the burn marks on their soot-covered costumes. No matter how many times they tired to remove the stains, they remained.

Eventually, they accepted the labeled of despair on the back and gave up on life.

It did not take long before Mr. and Mrs. Snow put their faith in things that were changeable. It was a no brainer to The Wish Weaver that he needed to wear his weatherman costume. Since those two angels were dancing in a winter wonderland, he was certain he knew the right forecast to give. He got out his icy trumpet and begin to blow with all his might. The sound of his trumpet released a powerful unexpected blizzard across their winter wonderland, and they had no time to seek shelter. So, they use their wings to shield them. Yet, their wings froze in the blizzard. After the blizzard let up, they attempt to fly away, but they fell as they wings shattered into glass shards. The pain of the fall was too much. Their heart become icy cold, their touch chilling and their minds begin to embrace the numbness it felt. With tongues like sharp icicle, they stop believing the words that dripped off their tongues. The Wish Weaver gave them a mirror, but they refused to pick it. So, he felt it in front of their faces. What they saw was two fallen angels dressed in silver suits that felt no emotion about their fall from faith. At that moment, they transformed Mr. and Mrs. Freeze. They remain frozen in that moment like two ice blocks, sculpted by the knife of a bitter season.

The Greeks love story is like that of many Hollywood stars. From their mountaintop thrones, they had power at their fingertips and resources at their disposal. The Wish Weaver put on his Centaur costume and grabbed his bow and arrow. He struck Mr. Greek first in the right eye and then in the left. Mr. Greek was overcome by the beauty other woman. As he strayed, the centaur struck Mrs. Greek in the left ear and again in the right. The charming words of other men lured her into their arms. They both called The Wish Weaver to help them repair their relationship. However, when they saw the reflection of slaves, they knew it was over. They did not need to read the back of the mirror to know that it said lust. They released their power without a second look and accept the shackles of desires. Their chains pull them farther and farther apart in Hades’s Valley. They chose to believe that they were bound to their lust for eternity.

For our struggle is not with flesh and blood….” Ephesians 6:12.

There is always more to a plot than just the puppet you see. There is someone behind the scenes pulling the strings.

You see, I was one of The Wish Weaver's clients. My heart had many desires, and he reads me like its secrets were written on my sleeve. It does not matter what costumes I wore; I still wore them. Yet, after many years of struggling to get out of them, The Designer found me lost in the mirror's labels. The Designer's son took the mirror from my hand, grabbed His red marker and crossed out the image and the label that went with it. Next, He focused on the state of my heart. He helps me learn a who I am without the need for a mask or costume. You should know that I still have scars from my struggles trying to remove those costumes; however, The Designer says they don't define me. My skin is simple a shell. His sewing focuses on the seed within. "It's more important what is on the inside than the outside...'

Would The Wish Weaver clients’ lives turned out differently, if they call The Designer after their lives fell apart instead of The Wish Weaver again? I think, the answer would be yes.

My wish for you is that you will read The Designer's Book. It is a great book that will tell you everything you will need to know about The Designer and the plan he was to dress you in His love.

If you still do not understand why the Wish Weaver is dangerous, here is who I know him to be…

A wolf in sheep's clothing

A cunning master of deceptional arts

A trickster of textures

A weaver of the wildest nightmares

Ready to sow, for you!

But will you measure up?

Btw- The Wish Weaver real name is Mr. Shame-Us. Perhaps, if people knew they would think twice before signing the payment contracts. Perhaps, that is just wishful thinking.

Now, if you happen to find yourself trapped in one of The Wish Weaver’s costumes, seek The Designer. His greatest piece is called Grace. Don't worry about scheduling a fitting. It’s one size fits all.

Wishing you well,

A friend

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