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100-Proof Spirit

It's not a kind of wine, beer, or hard cider

nor a type of whiskey, vodka, rum, tequila, brandy or soju

This contains grain alcohol,

It is colorless, has no added flavor

refined through continuous distillation

It is pure and very strong

It can be difficult to shallow.

It can burn like fire as it goes down

But it also make the pain easier to deal with

It does not make anyone bulletproof, but It will transform the cannot into the can

It is a gift to an overthinker

It is a bandage for a broken heart

It is oxygen for a deflated soul...

metaphorically speaking that is.

Actually, what I am talking about has nothing to do with what you find on a shelf or order from a bartender.

What is this 100-proof Spirit?

Well, it is a who and the who is the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit part of the Holy Trinity Jesus had through his life in the flesh and gave to those who accept Him as their Lord and savior.

It is difficult for many people to understand how the Holy Trinity is three and yet one at the same time. Honestly, it was for me as well.

God explained to me like this. Matter has three states-solid, liquid and gas. For example, there is H20, In its solid form it is ice, water is its liquid form and steam or water vapor is its gas state. No matter what it is in it is made up of the same molecules. Likewise, the Holy Trinity is still the same even in its three states. For me, God is the gas. He is like oxygen. He gives life and maintains it. Jesus was the solid form. His state was flesh. People could see him, hear him, feel him and smell him. The Holy Spirit is the liquid. He is the part of God that filled up the vessel of Jesus, lived with him and the part of the Holy Trinity Jesus gave to those who accept him as their Lord and Savior.

Thus, I see the Holy Spirit as a type of liquid that can fill up our vessels. It is especially helpful for me when I am feeling empty and like I have nothing left to give. Jesus said in

John 4:14

"But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst, but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life. "

Some may not like my analogy of liquor to the Holy Spirit. But I stand by it. I see that there is an obvious difference between a person who is saved by the blood of Jesus and a person who lives fill of the Spirit. I can see the difference when I go into a church. I can see it when I look into the eyes of someone who thirst for the power of the Holy Spirit when I watch the news. I hear it too.

There is something special about people who give it all when they sing. That goes for worship time during church too. I love to see believers singing and dancing during worship time in their pews or in the aisles. Some believers lift their hands in surrender. Some close their eyes to remove the distraction of the world around them. Some believers go all in. They give it all to receive the pouring of the Holy Spirit over them. I wonder if their soul, upon receiving a couple of shots from the 100-proof Spirit, began shaking with such an energy that their body cannot contain the power within because their feet no longer can keep them restrained.

As a young believer, I thought those believers were intoxicated. I did not understand what they were on. I have always been a person who believed in practicing self-control. I love to sing and dance, but I didn't full allow myself to go all in when I was in the company of others. I was a person who sought a great deal of value on my reputation and the reputation of my family.

To be honest, I secretly, wanted to be like those who were not afraid to let it go. In my head, I asked , "can I have a shot of what she is having?'

I love to see believers who go all in, especially during worship service. Praise moves God to show His presence in this broken world. If I am honest, living in this world makes it difficult to live the walk of faith with an all- in mentality and heart. The flesh like to get in the way. It does not like the correction needed to walk a genuine life of faith. It falls into lust. With a gust of gin, the flesh collapses into deception. The world's liquors are toxic. They produces shame, regrets, hate and destruction of the masses. But the Holy Spirit is the antidote to the world's liquors. It produce peace, love, forgiveness and healing.

Even now, I long to go all-in for the glory of the Kingdom of God. But I get lost in feeling exhausted in my flesh, overwhelmed by the dueling thoughts of doubt and shame in my mind, and paralyzed by the pain and regret in my heart.

God remains me that I am not alone. I have His spirit within my reach. It is fool-proof. Yet, I still must take it. The glass is in front of me, but I must grab it and drink it up. When I do, I can receive the messages God wants to give me through His Word. I have the words to pray the prayers I need to do to get God to move in my life and through me. When I let the Spirit it, I can have the faith of a mustard seed. I can go all-in because the 100-proof Spirit is fool proof. It is pure, it refines and strengths. When I drink it up, I have what I need to do what God has given me to do.

Before you open your Bible, consume your daily bread, before you pray, before you speak, before you go into battle- may you remember to take a shot (or two) of the 100-proof Spirit. The Holy Spirit will fill you up so that you let go of all your regrets, fight the battles the enemy rages at you, and gift you will the strength and willpower to get up when you are knocked down.

A life full of the Holy Spirit will not makes your flesh bulletproof, but with the Spirit of God you all that you need to refine you within. It is nourishment for your spirit. You have the presence of the one who conquered death. So, admit you are a sinner, accept Jesus as your savior and then drink up. Get full of His 100-proof Spirit and do not be afraid to show it. Cause someone like may just ask, " Can I have a shot of what she is having!"

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