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  • JAG

You are one in a Million

When life has you feeling like you should have never been born and you have looked everywhere for a reason you are special to a loving God, remember this: you were the one sperm who succeed. The strongest of the bunch, you ran the race to the finish line and found your other half. You fought for the chance to better your existence and won. The other half of you, the egg, accept you. You both were small, too small for the bare eye to see; yet together you multiplied into something greater than you were and what you came from You become you. Never forget, where you came from. You were always one in a million. So, don't give up. Keep running the race with the purpose, The other half of you is waiting, but you have to fight for it to become something better than you are alone. Dare to proof yourself wrong and keeping running your race.

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