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  • JAG

Until Someday

Someday, there will be no more pain

Someday, there will be no more hunger

Someday, there will be no getting lost in darkness

Someday, there will be no more loneliness

Someday, there will be no more anxiety

Someday, there will be no more broken dreams

Someday, there will be no more death

Until someday, there will shoulders to cry on, lips that heal

Until someday, there will be hands that give

Until someday, there will be feet to guide him back, over, under and through it

Until someday, there will be eyes that notice, smiles that welcome

Until someday, there will be arms that comfort, voices that chase the shadows away

Until someday, there will be laps that support the weary dreamer

Until someday, there will be legs that stand up for her, stand next to him

Until someday, God creates the body that serves.

God places mentoring women, mothers and grandmothers all over the world to ease the troubles of today. They are like stars in the sky that shine His light into the darkness of this broken world.

Happy Mother's Day

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