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  • JAG

Our Job

Justice is a nature craving we have. We want wrongs to be made right. We want people to be treated equally. We want hate to be vanished. We want death to be explained.

Yet, Too many wrongs seems to go without consequences from our point of view, especially when they are close to us. Too many people get special treatment because of their looks, money, talent or family name. Hate seems to be rapidly multiplying in our culture like yeast near a heat source. Death, death comes way too soon for the ones we love and does not seem to care if it takes a seasoned soul or a new one.

It is easy to get lost in trying to make sense of it all or even try to tip the scales ourselves.

This type of thinking and action can make us feel better at first, but those feeling do not last because there is always a new kind of injustice that shows up to take the place of the one we justified with our words or actions.

God promises that there will be hardships. He promises to right the wrongs too. Most of all, he offers us mercy and grace to show us how to treat each other. It is not our job to try to even make sense of everything. It is, however, our jobs to forgive others and trust him to do the rest. And that job is difficult enough as it is. The only way to forgive sometimes is to remember the times that we needed forgiveness and got it. If you cannot remember such a time, know God knows everything about you and still wants you to accept HIs gift of grace through His son, Jesus Christ.

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