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  • JAG

Angels Who Fall...

There is a different between angels that fall and fallen angels. Angels who fall understand that the wings that they have are not their own. They are from a higher power. Angels who fall have a faith in that higher power gift of wings that soften their fall. For those angels understand, this world was never met to about flying, it was all about the landing. And those wings were meant to carry the angels that fall above the toxic atmosphere of this world. A world that was always desired to fall apart.

Where fallen angels see no need for wings, they have tools to help them fly. They believe they are in control of the world. Kings of the ground. Queens of the sea. Princes and Princess of the air. Fallen angels seek knowledge and power to obtain possession and control of this world. They do so in the name of saving it. They see no need to land. For they soar with self-wit, self-strength and self-love.

Yet, without wings, they have not the eagle's eye view of what was, what is and what will be.

Angels that fall, understand the need for a parachute. They know they will fall and people will be watching to see if they get up. Fallen angel have no parachute. They wear the backpack, but all they is inside of it is empty idea. Those idea will not save them when this world fall apart. For they will have nowhere to land. No way to rise above this dying world they have conquered.

One day, God will separate the angels who fall from fallen angels.

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