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  • JAG

A Call to Silence

Death is a call for silence. A demand that time must stop and respect. A time for hearts to ache, a time for minds to pause. Pause on what was, pause on what may have been. After the pause is over, then it will be time to bandage the wound and move on to what still is.

If one does not stop time and answer the call for silence, then the heart cannot ache and the mind cannot pause. That person may become struck in a constant state of fighting the ache. Living broken, like a record, always laying the scenes of what was and what should have been. Pain, we must owe as our own.

For if we don't owe it as our own, other will have to claim it for us. We will make them, even unconsciously. We will cask our hurt at them, to them, or on them, expecting them to owe it for us.

Please remember: There is a different between someone offering to share our pain with us and someone expect to pay for it. Hurting someone because we are hurt is not right. It keep pain alive; it feed division and destruction. The cycle must stop with us. We have the power to make it by stopping to answer the call for silence. So, please answer the call and take the time to pause. Do not allow death to take more for you, for us, than it already has.

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